Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

In Yakima, Wash., the corps band kicked off the Christmas season at the Yakima Sun Dome, at a Continental Basketball League game between the Yakima Sun Kings and the Grand Rapids Heat. Corps Officer Major David Sholin reports this might just be the only Army band to perform at a professional basketball game this year, due to the NBA strike.


Lt. Rick Fisher, C.O. at Casper, Wyo., says country singer Garth Brooks recently made a musical and social impact on the community. Larry Jones International Ministries, Inc., the management of Feed the Children, and Brooks chose The Salvation Army of Casper as the recipient organization for a food drive. Each night, fans attending the concert were invited to bring non-perishable food items, resulting in 3,140 pounds of food for the city’s hungry people.


Trans World Airlines has proudly teamed up with The Salvation Army in a new community service partnership. “TWA Aviators” members can now donate their award miles in 1,000 mile increments to the Army’s account. This will be used to speed staff and volunteers around the U.S. and the world on urgent relief missions. According to Lt. Col. Tom Jones, national community relations and development secretary, the Army believes this will improve public awareness of our many community services. Also, more funds will be directly available for social services.


Captain Carla LaFayette, Intermountain Youth and Candidates’ secretary, recently was a presenter at the National Youth Workers’ Convention in Denver, Colo. Her topics were “10 to 20” and “Wild Truth.”


was the theme for the recent Home League Bazaar at Bellingham, Wash. Led by Lenore Gordon and Ann Brown, the bazaar was open for two days, with dinner served in the lovely garden area. Major Judy Goodwin says Major Ruth Sundin from DHQ was on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremonies, and the event was a smashing success.


A/Captains Michael and Susan Nute report the Cub, Boy and Girl Scouts of Sitka, Alask, really pitched in, leaving bags on doorsteps and collecting them for a recent food drive. Thanks to them, the Salvation Army food pantry is well fixed for winter.


Recently, 127 young people of the San Bernardino, Calif., Corps (Majors Russ and Jacqué Fritz) had an early Christmas. Thanks to Paul Kettle, who brought his sled and very pettable dogs, there was an excellent demonstration of driving terms, along with viewing the video, “Catch the Wind.” The Home League sponsored it all, and Mrs. and Mrs. Bergee played Santa Claus.


Captain Doug Danielson wrote to express his gratitude for the many cards and letters from friends following the promotion to Glory of his grandmother, Vicki Nottle. “She was a person who always kept in touch with loving notes, and I am thankful for those who have done for same for us at this time.”

Major Arch Carl (R) also expresses his thanks to all who sent cards and upheld him in prayer during his recent time in the hospital. “Prayer changes things, and I am on the road to recovery.”



EL PASO COUNTY, TX–County Business Admin

The Christmas Kettle and the War on Poverty

The Christmas Kettle and the War on Poverty

by Commissioner David Edwards – Knowing this article was due on my return,

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