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FrontLines – News briefs of the West

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by Karen Gleason –

Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11, NKJV).

Yakima’s “Hat Lady” entertains Home League
The Yakima (Wash.) Home League—led by Major Chris Morrow, corps officer, and Dorothy Woodward, league secretary of 56 years, held its annual “Over 80” luncheon honoring members who have reached that age. Seven sat at the specially decorated table—featuring hats—as Margaret Keys, age 99, a former teacher and toastmistress known as the “Hat Lady,” spoke on old-fashioned pincushions. Margaret has spoken at these luncheons for 15 years, covering many topics. She is the subject of a book, The Hat Lady, by a local author.

The Yakima Home League’s community projects include collecting school supplies, outfitting two children and adopting a family for Christmas, and other corps and missionary projects.

San Bernardino’s “Christmas in October”
More than a thousand people are expected to show up at The Salvation Army in San Bernardino (Calif.) on Oct. 31 for a “Christmas in October” event, held in partnership with the Rotary Club and Loma Linda Medical Center.

Kids ages 5-19 will get new shoes, thanks to a donation of 1,000 pairs. Attendees will also receive clothing and toys, and a free meal.

Doctors and chiropractors from Loma Linda will be on site to provide free checkups as well as referrals to specialists.

Off to ICO
The following officers have been approved as delegates to the International College for Officers (ICO): Session 208—Major William Raihl (Jan. 12 – Mar. 7, 2011) replacing Major Doug Riley who is unable to attend at this time; Session 212—Captain Lex Giron (Jan. 11 – Mar. 5, 2012); Session 213—Major Stacy Birks (April 11 – June 4, 2012); Session 214—Major Gwyn Jones (July 11 – Sept. 3, 2012); Session 215—Captain Lisa Brodin Smith (Oct. 10 – Dec. 3, 2012).

Walmart helps out in Hobbs
The Salvation Army of Hobbs, N.M., recently established a partnership with Walmart, receiving a donation from them of over 400 pounds of food that will be shared with the Boys and Girls Club and Isaiah’s Kitchen, a local soup kitchen. This is the first of many donations to come. The Hobbs Corps serves the residents of Lea County—helping to feed and clothe over 2,500 people at month. Majors Mark and Martha Davey are the corps officers.

Sierra del Mar’s Camp Wildwood Ranch
The Sierra del Mar Division has dropped plans to expand Wildwood Ranch camp in Ramona, Calif. Despite endorsement from the San Diego Planning Commission, pending litigation by neighbors caused the Army to reconsider. Divisional Commander Major Linda Markiewicz explained, “As careful stewards of our donors’ valuable contributions to our mission, we believe those donors have the right to expect their dollars to be used to help those in need, not to defend lawsuits that could go on indefinitely.”

The 578-acre retreat will continue to offer camp for about 1,000 disadvantaged youths every summer.

Talk to us!
We want to know what’s happening in your corps, ARC or unit—special programs or events, enrollments, youth achievements, and more! Submit just a few sentences (that’s about 75 words) to karen.gleason@ usw.salvationarmy.org or to New.Frontier@usw.salvationarmy.org. You can also find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/tsanewfrontier.

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