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FrontLines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8 (New American Standard)

West garners YS awards
Four youth from the Western Territory are 2009 Young Salvationist (YS) Creativity Contest winners:
Fiction, ages 17-23—2nd Emily Rapoza, Pendleton, Ore.; Poetry, ages 11-16—2nd Stephanie Freeman, Boise, Ida.; Photography, ages 11-16—1st Megan Freeman, Boise, Ida.; and Photography, ages 17-23—2nd Amber Ohl, Seattle, Wash. Congratulations!

McKinneys honored
Captains Ron and Roberta McKinney, were recognized by the Denver City Council, Colo., for their tremendous work while corps officers of the Denver Red Shield Community Center. April 20th, 2009 was declared Captain Ron and Roberta McKinney Day in Denver. During their seven years there, they grew the active youth membership from 323 to 2,541; guided 13 inner-city youth who earned full college scholarships; and increased the corps attendance from seven to over 120 among other significant accomplishments.

ICO delegates announced
The following officers will be attending The Salvation Army’s International College for Officers (ICO): Major Ronda Gilger (Session 204), January 13 to March 8, 2010; Major Denise Hawk (Session 205), April 14 to June 7, 2010; Captain Richard Larson (Session 206), July 14 to September 6, 2010; and
Major Michael Zielinski (Session 207), October 13 – December 6, 2010.

Reno grows advisory board
The Reno, Nev., corps recently inducted 12 new advisory board members. Major Doug Williams, corps officer, stated: “It’s fantastic that so many are willing to commit to assisting others. Both existing and new members know the rough economy is bringing more people to our doors. They want to help us expand our resources so we can meet the needs of our community.” New members are: Trip Tobin, Steve Funk, Dr. Karl Forsberg, Mary Brock, Bob Carroll, Don Nagle, Eric Henry, Sally Oliver, Mary Lee Mansfield, Mary Sanders, Bruce Miller and Steve Williams.

Whittier helps homeless
Whittier, Calif., held its first ever “Whittier Connect Day,” which took place at The Salvation Army recently. The free event resulted from a partnership between the Whittier Area Recovery Network and the Army and provided benefits and services for the local homeless. Members of the homeless community were able to access information on public benefits, eligibility, mental health services, applications for birth certificates, health screenings and much more.

New appointments
Captains Jonathan and Christinette Apuan are appointed on special assignment – Northwest DHQ, effective: June 11, 2009.
Lieutenants Robert and Stephanie Lueras are appointed corps officersAlamogordo Corps, New Mex., effective: May 27, 2009.

Reed earns degree
Major John Reed, Southern Calif. Division secretary for business, recently earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership from Azusa Pacific University. Congratulations, Major!

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