Frontlines – News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner – 

So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.
Colossians 3:1, 2 (The Message)

Danielsons appointments announced
The February 16, 2006 issue of New Frontier reported that Majors Doug and Rhode Danielson, Latin America North Territory, have been appointed to the Mexico Territory effective July 1. There, they will be divisional leaders of the Capital Division, which includes Mexico City, Guadalajara, Veracruz, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Puerto Vallarta, and Acapulco.

Torrance sings in “PsalmFest”
The Torrance, Calif., corps’ songsters participated in an annual community-wide “PsalmFest,” held at the Warner Grand Theatre in San Pedro. Sponsored by Temple Beth El, the event is a unique gathering of Protestant and Catholic churches and two synagogues to celebrate music inspired by the Psalms. Proceeds benefited Rainbow Shelter (a shelter for battered women) and The Salvation Army Sage House.

Pocatello’s Puppet Club
Major Ben LaBarge, Pocatello, Ida., corps officer, reports their spring “Club-of-the-Month” (April, May, June) for kids ages 6-12 will be a Puppet Club. A theme is designated and the kids meet once a month for three months with activities devoted to that theme; a short devotional is included. “We will teach them the techniques of puppetry the first month; the second month they will be given their own puppet; and the third month they will give a puppet show using their own script,” said LaBarge. Summer will be the outdoor cooking/safety club, fall will have a craft theme, and winter will be the Polar Bear club.

Hawaii honors partners
The Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division will honor outstanding partners in community service at an awards luncheon on March 20 at the Ala Moana Hotel. Chai Chaowasaree will be honored as outstanding volunteer of the year for his extraordinary efforts to mobilize the islands’ top chefs to raise relief funds for Hurricane Katrina. Outstanding community partner awards will be given to: Central Pacific Bank, Oceanic Time Warner Cable, and Starbucks Hawai‘i. Claire Woods, retired executive director of the Family Treatment Center will also be honored.

San Diego ARC honors Vision Clinic
The San Diego ARC recently honored Marcia De Runtz, executive director of the Lions Vision Clinic, and her guide dog, Lanza, at an awards presentation ceremony. The Vision Clinic is a special project of the Lions Clubs; the North Park Lions Club (San Diego) funds the optometric services for ARC beneficiaries. “The clinic’s services are a God-send for our residents with vision impairments,” said Steve Self, program intake coordinator, who regularly takes those in need to the Vision Center for care.

Promoted to Glory

Promoted to Glory

Promoted to Glory Captain Naomi Johnson Captain Naomi Johnson, 79, was promoted

Bearing the world’s suffering

Bearing the world’s suffering

In Process by Glen Doss, Major –  “Happy are men who yet before they are

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