It’s autumn once again; I find the rhythm of the seasons–their unchanging nature– comforting as I try to make sense of a world that is suddenly unfamiliar. Isn’t it wonderful that God–like his seasons– is constant: “I the Lord do not change.” (Malachi 3:6)
The Army’s caring ministry is changeless as well…read on for just a few examples.
Oliver North was featured speaker at the Army’s Tucson, AZ, annual dinner. A crowd of approximately 325 were in attendance. North, a combat decorated Marine and best-selling author, is host of a nationally syndicated daily radio show, Common Sense, and a Christian speaker who tours the country.
The evening’s festivities included dinner and a Salvation Army Shopping Spree. Entertainment was provided by the Korean Corps Singing Company.
Lt. Col. Mervyn Morelock reports that the Presidential Prayer Team has a goal of enlisting 2.8 million people (1% of the population) to pray regularly for the president, especially in our current crisis. This is a non-profit organization funded by a private, non-partisan foundation.
“There is no fee or obligation; just sign up and you’ll receive a window decal in the mail, plus e-mail updates on the specific prayer needs of the president and his cabinet,” Morelock said. To sign up, go to: or call 1-800-295-1235.
In a recent Officer to Officer newsletter, Colonel Phil Needham related the following: “Edwin Robertson reports in his biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer that as a boy of 14, the future Christian leader and martyr attended a Salvation Army “evangelical rally” in Berlin, accompanied by his mother. The leader? Bramwell Booth. According to Robertson, Bon-hoeffer was so impressed by the joy he saw on Booth’s face and the way people responded to the message of hope, that he almost went forward–and didn’t only because he thought he was too young. From then on, however, he began to attend church regularly with his mother.
In Half Moon Bay, CA, a boatload of anglers is set to donate their entire catch for the day to The Salvation Army in San Francisco. Sponsored by the United Anglers Enforcement Commit-tee, the group has caught enough fish in the past eight years to feed over 20,000 people served by the Army.
In Brooklyn, the Bay Ridge Corps is providing food for Arab women who are afraid to shop for groceries during this time of tension. At Pier 94, the Army is still seeing nearly 600 clients daily, focusing on needs of families of victims killed or still missing.
At ground zero, “Major Molly” Shotzberger and other SA women were a familiar sight, washing the feet of tired firefighters…removing boots, stripping off wet socks, washing and powdering their feet, putting on clean socks and helping put their boots back on before sending them back into the rubble.
More than 20,000 people have sent letters of encouragement to The Salvation Army to deliver to relief workers, firefighters and police. Half are from Alabama school children; half are from the people of Minnesota, delivered by Governor Jesse Ventura on Good Morning America.
Monetary donations are still being accepted to help the Army in its relief efforts, and may be sent to: The Salvation Army, Disaster Services, 120 West 14th St., New York, N.Y., 10011 or call (800) SAL-ARMY.
Majors Raymond and Virginia Gilman’s schedule for December:
- 1-5 – Van Nuys ARC
- 8-12 – Anaheim ARC
- 15-19 – Sacramento ARC
Majors Wesley and Ruth Sundin, corps officers in Estonia, have set up a website: They have already posted information telling about their first experiences there. Check it out!