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Front lines: News Briefs of the West

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Karen Gleason,Editor

 “…man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7).

 MODESTO, CALIF.—The Modesto Red Shield Corps has a new basketball court, boxing ring, fitness equipment and paint in several rooms—worth over $130,000—thanks to the Andrew Toti Foundation, Ceres Rotary, 24-Hour Fitness and others.

The corps entered its makeover project in Dan Costa’s Valley Apprentice Contest, competing against four other local non-profits.

Although it didn’t come in first, the Red Shield was still a winner with its facility improvements and the addition of several new advisory council members.

Captains Martin and Tory Ross are corps officers.

PORTLAND, ORE.—The Gateway Business Association selected Portland City Council Commissioner Amanda Fritz as the “2011 Gateway Citizen of the Year” for her commitment “to the Gateway community, advancing its commercial, economic, financial, industrial, safety and civic interests.”

Fritz is an active soldier at the Portland Tabernacle Corps. She will receive the award on Sept. 10. Check out her website at amanda2012.com.

 PASADENA, CALIF.—The Pasadena Tabernacle Corps partnered with 100,000 Homes, Project HOUSED Pasadena, Fuller Seminary, Housing Works and others to assist homeless persons in securing permanent housing. The corps provided a home base for meetings and training.

For three days, 90 volunteers canvassed the streets from 4-6 a.m., reaching 131 chronically homeless persons. The project now enters its second phase—to engage people with services and housing. One person is already in permanent housing, according to Patrick Riley, director of social services at the corps.

Read the full story at newfrontierpublications.org/nf/?p=1716.

NEVADA CITY, CALIF.—Majors Doug and Colleen Riley, Del Oro divisional leaders, welcomed over 400 people to Camp Del Oro on Aug. 20 for Divisional Family Day. Guest speaker Major Don Sheppard—Grass Valley (Calif.) corps officer—led Bible studies that underscored Del Oro’s discipleship theme for the next year: “A season to GROW…deeper in Christ (God’s Word, relationships, obedience and worship).”

Family games provided entertainment in the afternoon. The camp concluded with an all-age family worship celebration on the lawn.

 WESTERN TERRITORY—The following officers are slated to attend The Salvation Army’s International College for Officers in London: Session 216—Captain John Stennett, Jan. 9–March 4, 2013; Session 217—Captain Daniel Freeman, April 10–June 3, 2013; Session 218—Major Mary Norton, July 17–Sept. 9, 2013; and Session 219—

Major Brian Saunders, Oct. 16–Dec. 9, 2013.


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