Front Lines – News briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner

Sue Schumann Warner

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 (NIV)

Calvo addresses client risks

Anne Calvo, RN, child/vulnerable adult safety consultant for the Western Territory, recently presented a workshop, Seven Best Practice of Highly Safe Programs, at the 2007 Risk Management Essentials for Nonprofit Leaders regional conference. Calvo provided practical strategies for strengthening in screening; selection, monitoring and supervision; and program management activities in order to minimize the likelihood that personnel will harm the people they are in business to help.

Moss highlighted in Shutterbug

ARC Command Network Administrator Michael Moss was highlighted in the May 2007 Shutterbug magazine’s Web Profiles as “an amateur whose photography is as professional as it gets.” Moss has traveled around the world taking photographs; on his homepage he suggests that viewers donate to The Salvation Army to support their work in helping those in need. Check out his photos at: and for a complete showing of his photos:

Yakima HL honors Dove

Home League Secretary Dorothy Woodward, Yakima, Wash., planned a special fellowship meeting, celebrating a “Just Because Day” honoring Corps Officer Major Debi Dove. June Smith arranged for the event to begin with the release of beautiful white doves (homing pigeons) in the Army’s parking lot. Afterwards, Joellen Decker gave a short talk on mentoring, referring to the fact that some of the birds were young and just learning to return home and that they followed the older, more experienced ones. It was truly a fun “Just Because Day” with lots of fellowship and surprises.

Strickland earns degree

Captain Derek Strickland, Escondido, Calif., corps officer, was awarded an MBA degree from Point Loma Nazarene University recently. He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration with emphasis in finance. Congratulations, Captain!

Moore Street celebrates community pride

Portland, Oregon’s Moore Street Corps and Community Center recently celebrated its 11th Annual Neighborhood Community Pride banquet; the event recognizes the achievements and contributions that make Moore Street a successful and vital part of the North/Northeast community. The evening was packed with entertainment, including the Moore Street Children’s choir, under the leadership of Tim and Vernacheal Kennedy. Corps Officer Captain Kris Potter gave the welcome and Corps Officer Camie Potter offered the invocation. Once again Jerry Moss, with the Portland Trailblazers, was master of ceremonies. Divisional Leaders Majors Bob and Mariam Rudd assisted in presenting awards.

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