Front lines – News briefs of the West

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Divisional gathering featured a wide variety of events.

by Sue Schumann Warner – 

I’ll make a list of God’s gracious dealings, all the things God has done that need praising, all the generous bounties of God…compassion lavished, love extravagant.
Isaiah 63: 7 (The Message)

New degree for Robinson

Captain Isobel Robinson, administrator, Peacehaven Nursing Home for the Aged, Singapore, has recently been awarded a Bachelor of Ministry degree, with high distinction, from Trinity College of the Bible. Congratulations, Captain!

Santa Barbara honors volunteers

The Santa Barbara, Calif., corps, recently honored Jimmy Kimble and Ted Mendoza, who help in the Hospitality House kitchen and dining room. Kimble, who volunteers four hours every evening to get dinner on the table for residents, has amassed over 20,000 hours of service. Mendoza has been volunteering at lunch for five years and has over 7,000 hours. Fourteen years ago Kimble, then a Hospitality House resident, started leading evening chapel services. “I got interested in William Booth, and how he dedicated his life to helping people,” he said. “It inspired me.” Jimmy and Ted—you inspire us!

Heritage Conference in October

Dr. Diane Winston, author of Red-Hot and Righteous: The Urban Religion of the Salvation Army, and Colonel Henry Gariepy, former national publications editor-in-chief and national literary secretary and author of 18 books, will be featured special guests at Heritage Conference 2006—the Museum of the West, to be held October 25-27, 2006. For details and reservations, call (310) 544-6406.

Hockey League cares for survivors

Captain Timothy Smith, Alaska divisional youth secretary, accepted a check from Gord Broseker, director of officiating, East Coast Hockey League, for $21,819 to assist survivors of Hurricane Katrina. The donation was made during the opening game of the Kelly Cup Finals in Anchorage.

Bakersfield honors leaders

The Salvation Army in Bakersfield, Calif., honored community leaders Jim Burke and Robert Karpe at a special luncheon, where each was awarded the William Booth Community Service Appreciation Award. “Robert and Jim were selected for their lifetimes of selfless and unending investment of time, talent and treasure to the needs of greater Bakersfield,” said Kern County Coordinator Captain David Ebel, “including exceptional investment to The Salvation Army.”

2006 long service award recipients

2006 long service award recipients

The following officers have been recognized for years of service to The

Prayer, it’s powerful and effective!

Prayer, it’s powerful and effective!

Prayer power by Mervyn Morelock, Lt

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