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Front lines/ News briefs of the West

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Karen Gleason, Editor

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God (Matt. 5:9 KJV).

SAN FRANCISCO—John McKnight, from San Francisco Harbor Light, spoke to students at Alta Vista School, a small private school. The children, pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade, learned about The Salvation Army and its work with the homeless population. They then made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches—315 in one hour. Later that night volunteers delivered them in their outreach to the homeless.


SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF.—Major Nancy Ball, corps officer, issued a challenge in mid-February to San Bernardino corps members: “Memorize 1 John 2:1-6 this week, and I’ll take you to Starbucks next Sunday.”

A lot of people expressed interest, but only two met the challenge: a teenage girl and a gentleman from the transitional living program.

“I’m very proud of them,” Ball said. “We will go to Starbucks this coming Sunday.”


SALEM, ORE.—The Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center held its first health fair in January, featuring health screenings and 35 vendors from the fields of fitness, nutrition and cardio and mental health.

The center enrolled over 540 new members; one person accepted Christ. Tom Ferrin, associate director of development, said this first event will not be the last.

As of Feb. 1, Major Kelly Pontsler is The Salvation Army Marion-Polk Counties coordinator and Kroc Center administrator.


DENVER—The Denver Red Shield Corps has enrolled 21 new members—14 junior soldiers, four senior soldiers and three adherents—in the past two months. Corps programs are meeting community needs, with the after-school program serving 58 children, and a community dinner that feeds 65-80 people each evening, Monday through Friday.

Captains Ronald and Roberta McKinley are the corps officers.


MODESTO, CALIF.—The Salvation Army Berberian Homeless and Transition Shelter received 15 full-size quilts, two blankets and an afghan—all handmade—from the Modesto Senior Citizens Quilt Department. The group, which meets weekly, has been making and donating quilts to charities for over 30 years.

The shelter operates year-round, and during the winter season (November– April) it can accommodate 80 men and 20 women.


WESTERN TERRITORY—New Frontier Publications is currently accepting nominations for the annual Trailblazer Award, which will be presented at The Gathering in June. Do you know an outstanding soldier, corps officer, advisory board member, or someone who has demonstrated distinguished service to The Salvation Army? If so, work with your corps officer to submit the nomination.

Contact New Frontier staff with questions by email or call (562) 491-8332.


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