Parents and mentors honored at annual banquet.
By Karen Gleason

Each year, the Fellowship of the Silver Star Banquet honors parents or mentors of the graduating cadets. At this year’s banquet on June 10, the cadets of the Ambassadors of Holiness Session acknowledged the “stars” who shine in their lives.
Major Mariam Rudd, Fellowship of the Silver Star secretary, welcomed the honorees and Major Tim Foley, College for Officer (CFOT) Training principal, gave the invocation.
After Duncan Sutton led the CFOT Chorus in “Church on Fire,” Territorial Commander Commissioner James Knaggs introduced the special guests.
Commissioner Carolyn Knaggs, territorial president of women’s ministries, spoke to the guests, reflecting on 2 Peter: 1:19: And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your heart.
Acknowledging that the verse refers to Jesus, she recalled the journey of her own son to officership, and said: “You, too, have experienced your children’s faithful response to the Lord. You have witnessed the transformation of your cadet becoming, as the Scripture says, as to a light shining in a dark place.
“These new lieutenants, said Knaggs, “are moved by the passion they have for others; they are faithful and eager to serve this generation and full of innovation and zeal—and they delight in the Word of God not only to instruct others, but also for their own spiritual formation.” Knaggs thanked the guests for their influence and support for these new officers.
Emphasizing God’s faithfulness, Knaggs concluded, “The Silver Star represents the light of God that is coming from your family member to bring light to a dark world. This star is also a reminder that God is the light in your own heart as you lift your requests to him.”
The cadets then pinned the Silver Star on the recipients and read letters they had prepared for them.
After a prayer of dedication by Chief Secretary Colonel William Harfoot, a cadet vocal ensemble sang “I Bring My Heart to Jesus.”
Those cadets whose loved ones are deceased received a white rose in remembrance from the Knaggs, supported by Major Cindy Foley and Major Beth Paugh.
This year attendees had a special treat—a preview of Saturday night’s musical drama, Brengle: My Life’s Ambition—when Cadet Joel Boyd performed a selection from the play, “Dream of My Own.”
The banquet concluded with a benediction by Cindy Foley.