Eastmont Temple Dedicated; Torrance Opens Brazilian Work

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What a great day it was for Southern California! If it were a ball game, it would be So. Cal 2, the Devil 0.

On Sunday morning the divisional commander, Lt. Colonel Alfred R. Van Cleef, and the director of women’s organizations, Lt. Colonel Sherryl Van Cleef, were present for the recognition of the Los Angeles Eastmont Temple Corps and the service of dedication of the corps and of the new corps officers.

This corps program was begun in November 1995 under the leadership of Captains Zoilo and Megali Pardo. With the appointment of Lieutenants Salvador and Gloribel Gonalez in June 1996, the outpost continued to grow to its present status as a corps. The day was filled with worship, festivities, and great joy at Eastmont.

Sunday evening, the Torrance Brazilian Corps was joined by the Torrance Corps and its band for a service of celebration. Isais and Adelma Braga were commissioned as Envoys in charge in a joyous service.

The Brazilian ministry started with just two families, and now under the leadership of a soldier from the Torrance Brazilian Corps, a Bible study outreach program has been commenced at the Anaheim Corps. Additionally, a candidate will be entering the College for Officer Training this fall from this new corps.

Under the leadership of Captains Doug and Sheryl Tollerud, the new Brazilian Corps has come to represent a wonderful expression of Salvation Army worship and witness.

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