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Charlotte Jones Anderson

Charlotte Jones Anderson to chair National Advisory Board

In a meeting of the National Advisory Board (NAB) in Portland, Ore., the board unanimously elected Mrs. Charlotte Jones Anderson, Executive Vice President Brand Management/ President of Charities for the Dallas Cowboys, to serve as the chairperson. Beginning in January 2011, Anderson—the first woman to serve in this capacity—will serve a three-year term leading the efforts of the board for the nation’s largest faith-based social service charity.
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Dallas Cowboys President of Charities is first female NAB chairperson

Charlotte Jones Anderson
Charlotte Jones Anderson

In a meeting of the National Advisory Board (NAB) in Portland, Ore., the board unanimously elected Mrs. Charlotte Jones Anderson, Executive Vice President Brand Management/ President of Charities for the Dallas Cowboys, to serve as the chairperson. Beginning in January 2011, Anderson—the first woman to serve in this capacity—will serve a three-year term leading the efforts of the board for the nation’s largest faith-based social service charity.

“I am proud to be affiliated with The Salvation Army and I am excited to take on this new role furthering the mission to serve all those in need across America,” Anderson said. “I have been privileged to work with this organization for a long time and have seen first-hand the difference that they make in people’s lives. I am looking forward to the next chapter of my involvement with such a great charity.”

Anderson has been a long-time supporter of The Salvation Army, and has been actively involved in many charitable events with the organization throughout her professional career. For the last 13 years, she has organized a nationally televised half-time show at the Dallas Cowboys traditional Thanksgiving Day game. The event draws more than 20 million viewers each year and helps kickoff The Salvation Army’s iconic Red Kettle campaign, which has raised more than $1.3 billion during that time. She has frequently participated in events and activities at the Army’s Gene and Jerry Jones Family Center for Children, which opened in Irving, Texas, in 1998, and offers affordable childcare for low-income families. Anderson is also active with the Army on a national basis, serving on the National Advisory Board since 2005.

“Charlotte has been a tremendous supporter of The Salvation Army’s Mission over the years in Dallas and across the country,” said Commissioner Israel L. Gaither, national commander for The Salvation Army. “We’re thrilled she has agreed to bring that same commitment and enthusiasm to her new role as National Advisory Board Chairperson.”

“It’s an honor for me personally to pass the mantle of National Advisory Board leadership to Charlotte,” said outgoing chairman Rob Pace. “Having worked closely with her for a number of years on the NAB, I can say with confidence that she is the ideal person to fill this role.”

As one of the National Football League’s most innovative and versatile front office executives, Anderson’s 21 years of NFL experience with the Dallas Cowboys have enabled her to assume a position of leadership among women in American professional sports.

Her vision and direction guides the Cowboys in the areas of stadium design, entertainment, merchandising, licensed apparel, uniform design, memorabilia, community service and philanthropy. She also supervises the fortunes and travels of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders – considered to be the most recognized and accomplished organization of its kind in the world.

Recently, Anderson played a prominent role in shaping the design, d�cor, sponsor integration and overall presentation of Cowboys Stadium, the state-of-the-art venue that opened in Arlington, Texas, in 2009. Under her guidance, the venue will play host to some of highest profile sports and entertainment events in the world, including the Super Bowl, the NBA All Star Game, the NCAA Final Four and the annual AT&T Cotton Bowl.

A native of Little Rock, Ark., Anderson is a 1988 graduate of Stanford University where she earned a B.S. degree in human biology. She lives in Dallas with her husband, Shy Anderson, and their three children: daughter Haley and sons Shy and Paxton.

From a national news release.

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