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by Mervyn Morelock, Lt. Colonel –


“For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen” (Matthew 6:13).

Lloyd John Ogilvie, in his book, “God’s Strength For Today, “writes:

My praying of the Lord’s Prayer was given greater meaning when I discovered that the word “for” in the sentence, “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever,” can also mean “because.” All the promises of the prayer are ours because we are offered life in the kingdom, power from God’s Spirit, and glory in the manifestation of his presence. We are given guidance in God’s will, constant care in daily bread, forgiveness of our trespasses, help when tempted, and deliverance from the evil one.

Why do we bring our needs in prayer to God? It is because he loves us!

“God sent his Son, they called him Jesus.
He came to love, heal and forgive.
He bled and died to buy my pardon.
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.
Because he lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because he lives all fear is gone.
Because I know he holds the future,
And life is worth the living, just because he lives.

This month of June is an exciting time for Salvationists in the Western Territory! The annual transfer of officers and their families, the commissioning of cadets, the enrollment of junior and senior soldiers, the visit of General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton, all are visible results of the ongoing growth and ministry of The Salvation Army under the hand of God.

As I think of this exciting month, I cannot help but be thankful for God’s care and his continual answers to our prayers. Events and activities, some listed above and many not, are the result of the prayers of thousands of people, some recent, others over decades old.

Because of God’s love and his faithfulness to answer prayer we need to give praise to him for the excitement and growth that will be recorded this month.

Each week, The Call to Prayer Request list is sent throughout the territory and recorded on the web (saprayusw.com) that reaches far around the world.

God is answering prayer because we pray and because he wants to answer the prayers of his people.

As I look at the move of over 178 officers this month, into 128 appointments I can’t imagine the number of prayers that are being offered. The officers being moved, the soldiers, employees and advisory boards all have their interest, and they are praying for success and fresh ideas in ministries.

As I think of the cadets, I know that each one has had many wonderful answers to the faithful prayers of parents, corps officers, friends and others. Each cadet has a personal story of timed-just-right answers to prayer.

The visit of our international leaders will give a never-to-be-forgotten encouragement to all the territory. Souls saved, soldiers enrolled, cadets commissioned and a hundred other experiences that will come, have all been bathed in prayer. It’s going to be a great month!

Somehow one can forget the profound impact that this month will have on the new soldier, the one from a little place where the Army doesn’t have all the bells and whistles and money needed, where every day is a lonely and tough fight. Commissioning gives a boost of encouragement that will last for years in the hearts of those who will participate this year. They will say, “I am a part of The Salvation Army! Praise the Lord!”

It is because of prayers offered round the clock in many homes and corps that the real source of power will be evident in the activities this month. May God bless our cadets and their families, officers and their families, Commissioners Philip and Patricia Swyers, other territorial and divisional leaders, and our General and his wife. May God bless The Salvation Army worldwide!

Many retired officers, watching the Commissioning events, have said, “If I were young I’d do it all over again!”

Because he lives, I can face tomorrow…
life is worth the living, just because he lives!”

You may view this week’s Call to Prayer Requests at www.saprayusw.com.

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