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Angel Giving Tree goes online

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There was a day and age when Captain Joe McFee couldn’t figure out how he would provide a Christmas dinner for the needy in San Francisco. As a desperate measure he put a crab pot on the dock and asked folks to “keep the pot boiling” by making donations to his cause. Today, we all know this “crab pot” to be The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle.

Once again, The Salvation Army is on the cutting edge of meeting desperate needs of people throughout the territory. Through the Angel Giving Tree online program, it will now be even easier for concerned friends to provide toys for needy children this Christmas!

More and more people want to avoid the busy malls and feel they can’t spare the time to shop, but instead are visiting web sites like Yahoo!, WalMart.com and others to do their Christmas shopping. Now they will also have the opportunity to help someone in need while shopping online–and now you, too, can be a part of this new exciting Giving Tree program.

By going to www.givingtree.org you will discover the magic of making an online purchase for a needy child in your area. Just pick a representative child from the tree and shop from a wonderful variety of toys picked out especially for a child of that age and gender. Once you complete the purchase through the Yahoo! secure site, the toy will be shipped directly to the Salvation Army corps closest to you for delivery by Salvationists and volunteers. It can’t get any better than that!

Like Captain McFee and that first Christmas kettle, The Salvation Army is once again stepping into the future and providing more ways for those who care to give. It’s just another way to provide a great Christmas for a needy child.

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