A friendly competition helps world missions

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Children at Tustin Ranch Corps raise hundreds of dollars to help others.

By Lisa Van Cleef, Major

For 40 years, Dave Ferguson, Sr. of the Tustin Ranch Corps (Calif.) has been leading Sunday school assembly. Every week, boys and girls bring their World Services offering forward. In October, the competition took a friendly turn.

A world map, created by Bramwell Freeman, was placed in the fellowship hall. Each week, the children would receive a cross to put on a new country for every $10 raised. Based on typical giving, the race to mark new countries should have lasted through January, at about $25 per week.

Instead, the kids finished the race in six weeks. By Nov. 13, the Sunday school assembly had raised $587. They averaged nearly $100 per week! The girls won by raising $319, while the boys brought in $256. An ice cream party was their reward.

And it doesn’t end there. The boys, hoping for redemption, have challenged the girls to continue the race around the globe.

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