201: Your favorite conversations to date

201: Your favorite conversations to date

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Last week, we celebrated a major milestone—our 200th episode! We replayed the very first episode, an interview with our good friends, now retired Commissioners Dave and Sharron Hudson. And yes, I interjected my thoughts about what’s changed and what’s stayed the same in the years since.

We’ve shared so many powerful stories and meaningful conversations with you, and today, we’re looking back at some of your favorite episodes and reliving some of the most impactful lessons we’ve learned together.

Listen and subscribe to the Do Gooders Podcast now. In this highlights show, we revisit the following most-loved episodes with short clips from each. See what we cover below and listen in to the full episode to hear it all. 

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Episode 03

Chris Christian gave us an honest and eye-opening look into the realities of being homeless in Episode 03.

One of the things Chris shared is that “there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution,” to homelessness because the reasons people become homeless are as diverse as the individuals themselves. It’s a powerful reminder that everyone’s story is different, and understanding and empathy really are crucial in addressing this complex issue.

Episode 79

Back in Episode 79, I spoke with Dr. Beth Allison Barr about a topic that clearly resonated with many of our listeners—a biblical view of womanhood.

Dr. Barr, author of the book on the subject, challenged us to rethink long-held assumptions and reminded us not to draw limits where God has drawn none. As she said it: “God has never been limited, and he never limits people. It’s people that keep limiting people, and that’s what’s always surprising me.”

This conversation was a call to lean in to the full potential that God has given each of us. 

Episode 71

In Episode 71, I had the chance to speak with Pete Greig, who offered a simple yet profound guide on how to pray.

Pete reminded us that prayer, at its core, isn’t about perfection—it’s about honesty. As he put it, “Prayer at its best is honest. It’s authentic. It’s simple.” He encouraged us to start where we are and to communicate with God in a way that is real and true to ourselves.

If you’ve ever struggled with prayer or wondered if you’re “doing it right,” this episode is for you.

Episode 40

And on the theme of simplifying our lives, let’s revisit another favorite, Episode 40 with Joshua Becker. Josh is a leading voice in the minimalist movement, helping find clarity in our spaces. In this episode, he shared his insights on how to declutter and refocus every room in your house—something that can pay dividends for your mental health, focus and clarity.

He encouraged us to create living environments that support our well-being rather than distract from it. If you’re looking for inspiration to declutter and create more intentional spaces, you will like this one.

Episode 121

One of my favorite things about doing this show is we get to share the wisdom of so many wonderful people and hear them tackle some of life’s biggest questions. In Episode 121, Commissioner Doug Riley weighed in on one of the biggest questions out there: What is our purpose?

While there’s a lot to unpack in that question, Commissioner Riley put it beautifully when he said, “God’s purpose is this, simple: to know him and glorify him.” It’s a potent reminder of where purpose starts—and how we can build upon this knowingness to live it out in our day-to-day lives.

If you’ve ever felt lost or uncertain about your life’s direction—and who hasn’t—you may find this episode really encouraging. 

Episode 27

This next episode picks up right where we left off. It’s about infusing more joy and meaning into our lives, through the practice of gratitude. Back in Episode 27, we talked with Robert Emmons, one of the world’s foremost experts on gratitude.

Robert opened our eyes to the real magic behind gratitude, describing it as “affirmation and recognition.” It’s such a refreshing way to look at it—gratitude isn’t just a feeling, it’s an active acknowledgment of the good that surrounds us and those who make our lives richer.

This episode is packed with really great insights. 

Episode 102

Oftentimes, we’ll have guests on the show who share something that sparks a real shift in how we think about a given topic. One of the best examples of that was Episode 102, when we talked with Dr. Meghan Sullivan about philosophy and its place in our lives.

Dr. Sullivan shared that philosophy isn’t just about abstract ideas—it’s about connecting our everyday goals with the deeper, more meaningful reasons behind them.

Episode 07

Let’s turn back to an early favorite on The Do Gooders Podcast, an episode that combined passion with purpose. In Episode 07, we chatted with the one and only Guy Fieri about how food isn’t just about flavor—it’s about community, connection and yes, doing good.

If you’ve seen Guy on one of his many TV shows, you know he brings a signature energy to everything he does, and this conversation was no different. Guy reminded us of the power of using our unique passions to meet needs and make a difference.

This episode is a useful reminder of how we can take what we love and turn it into a force for good. 

Clearly, I could go on and on with sharing highlights of the many conversations that have filled your podcast feed over some 200 episodes…but I think we’ll leave it there. That clip captures the essence of this show and why we started this podcast in the first place.

Next time, I’m bringing you my treatise on where things are headed in the weeks ahead. Ok, treatise sounds so serious … but I’m bringing you how I’m thinking about this show in its next evolution and how it can be the most helpful for you.

For now, thank you so much for letting me pop into your earbuds and for joining in these conversations. I like to imagine you sitting right there with us for these interviews so thank you for your presence here as part of this podcast community. 

It wouldn’t be the same without you. 

Additional resources:

  • If you are one of the hopefuls, get on the list for the Do Good Digest, our free 3-minute weekly email newsletter used by more than 26,000 hopefuls like you for a quick pick-me-up in a busy day.  
  • If you are enjoying this show and want to support it, leave a rating and review wherever you listen to help new listeners hit play for the first time with more confidence.  
  • If you want to help The Salvation Army serve more than 24 million Americans in need each year, give today. Your gift of money, goods or time helps The Salvation Army do good all year in your community.  

Listen and subscribe to the Do Gooders Podcast now.

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