Music Echoes Through the Malibu Mountains

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by William B. Flinn – 

The Malibu mountains were recently filled with the wonderful sounds made by the Southern California Divisional School of Music. Bandmaster Chris Mallett and Faye Mallett brought together a diverse staff to lead these young musicians into a week of spiritual, social and musical growth.

Conducted at the beautiful Mountain Crags Camp, 120 took part in four bands, five choruses and five timbrel groups. Evening programs were a special treat, with a midweek festival and junior and senior soloist nights with a total of 43 participating.

The final evening, led by Lt. Colonels Alfred and Sherryl Van Cleef was, from the program opening to the grand finale, a demonstration of the remarkable standard of musicianship that showed the keen interest in music making by these young people.

Award winners were: Senior Outstanding Musician–Robbie Gregg, Pasadena Tabernacle Corps; Junior Outstanding Musician–Sarah Stillson, Pasadena Tabernacle Corps; Senior Honor Camper–Lauren Bristow and Christopher Wikle, both of the Tustin Ranch Corps; Junior Honor Camper–Jennifer Lescano, Tustin Ranch Corps; Evelyn Stickland, Tustin Ranch Corps; and Daniel Tollerud, Torrance Corps.

Senior Soloist awards went to: Justina Stickland, Chris Wikle, and Lauren Bristow, all of the Tustin Ranch Corps.

Junior Soloist awards went to: Evelyn Stickland, Tustin Ranch Corps; Sarah Stillson and Meredith Flinn, Pasadena Tabernacle Corps.

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