Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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Bob Bearchell

By Bob Bearchell – 

Since its inception two years ago, the Financial Development Initiative instituted in the Western Territory has been directly responsible for raising nearly $7 million. Bob Gregg, our energetic territorial financial development director, comments that each of the divisional financial development staff are driven by a personal mission to support ongoing S. A. programs.

His team of dedicated men and women also have the vision to find funding for badly needed new programs.


We are justly proud of Stephanie Seiler, daughter of Captains Paul and Carol Seiler. Stephanie, a member of the Pasadena Tab Songsters, is listed in the ’95-’96 edition of “Who’s Who Among American High School Students.”

With a grade point average of 3.9, she is in a race with two young men for class valedictorian, and has been accepted for the 1997 honors program at UCLA. Her marching with the Pasadena Rose Parade Band and stellar performances in basketball, softball and volleyball make Stephanie an outstanding young lady.


The San Francisco Mission Corps (Majors Hector and Gerde Ramos) wants to see low-income Mission children come to summer day camp again this year. Their May Mission Money Mile Madness will aim for just that–a mile of coins! Businesses can also request a yardstick for their clients to help raise the mile of coins. In pennies, 106,712 will do it. In quarters, only 77,982, for $19,495.50.

This 11th annual summer camp will keep youngsters from the Mission fully occupied every day during the eight weeks of the summer vacation. There will be many indoor and outdoor recreational and educational projects, as well as field trips to several Bay Area attractions.


An enthusiastic crowd recently hailed Emily Bodmer, who was named 1997 Grandview, Wash., Junior Miss and Erika Souders, who was named the 1997 Junior Miss first finalist. Erika is the daughter of Majors Gary and Joan Souders.


Lieutenant Ralph Jiminez reports that he and Kevin Piatt, a soldier at the Lewiston, Idaho, corps, helped bring about the first conference for men in the LewisClark Valley. The theme was “Christian Men in the Working World.” The speaker, provided by The Salvation Army, was Dr. Rev. Bruce Erickson of SEED Ministries of Seattle, Wash.Some of the comments after the event were: “This was much needed,” “When can Bruce come back?” and “We need to do this more often.” This was really great for the community!


Majors Reg and Ida Peacock (R) have the unusual distinction of celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on June 11. Congratulations to these fine veteran officers!


The Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO) was one of 26 mission agencies attending the Asbury College 1997 Missions Conference, “Go Light Your World.”

Students, faculty, and delegates from other agencies viewed the SAWSO display and asked questions about its missions and development work in foreign countries. Bram and Carolyn Bailey conducted a seminar on “AIDS Around the World.”


“I’ve been in this business for 30 years,” states Major David Boyd, “and I’ve never seen anything like this!” A call recently came in to the Oakland ARC: “Good morning. I would like to donate 23,000 comic books. How can I arrange for a pickup?” So they were collected and, individually wrapped, priced and distributed to the 11 thrift stores in Alameda/Contra Costa Counties. Hot items nowadays, the books are selling very well indeed.

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