front lines/News briefs of the West

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Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God (Matt. 5:9 KJV).

 SACRAMENTO, CALIF.—The Salvation Army’s B Street Shelter holds its summer worship services in the parking lot. The band plays rock and roll music to attract residents, where they find refreshments. At 10 p.m., the service begins with songs and testimonies by members of the Sacramento Adult Rehabilitation Center men’s choir.

Recently, after the message by Sacramento County Coordinator Major Ray Yant, 15 men and women accepted Christ.


BELLINGHAM, WASH.—A young homeless couple found The Salvation Army through the corps’ “I’ll Fight” street ministry. Team members prayed with the pair and directed them to the nearest shelter, which provided clean socks, rain jackets and an invitation to a potluck event at the corps. As they left, they said that finally they found people that live like Christ.

Majors James and Beverley Lloyd are the Bellingham corps officers.

ANAHEIM, CALIF.—Tana Amen, author of “The Omni Diet,” visited the Anaheim Adult Rehabilitation Center, where she spoke about the importance of healthy eating. The center implemented a healthier eating plan as studies show diet plays a role in addiction recovery.

“I used to feel I was in such a fog,” one beneficiary said. “Now I feel that fog has lifted allowing me to have clarity of thoughts and feelings and a sense of purpose.”

Major William Heiselman is center administrator; Major Laura Heiselman is director of special services.

REDDING, CALIF.—More than 100 golfers participated in the sixth Fore Kid’s Golf Tournament, hosted by the Redding Elks Club to benefit The Salvation Army’s youth programs.

The event included lunch in the River Room, overlooking the Sacramento River, and live and silent auctions with prizes including gardening packages, a trip to Cabo San Lucas and a Pacific Amateur Golf Classic entry with accommodations.

The tournament raised more than $12,000 for camperships and local youth programs.

Lts. Daniel and Audra Whipple are the Redding corps officers.


TUCSON, ARIZ.—The Tucson Korean Corps, led by Captains Eric and Amy Park, holds a senior program, Silver College, every Tuesday, which offers a variety of educational and spiritual classes. Recently, six new students joined the program, which reaches out not only to the congregation, but to the community.

One of the new students said that she feels God’s love through Silver College and now always looks forward to Tuesdays.


MODESTO, CALIF.—The 29th annual Golf Classic sponsored by Valley Lexus for The Salvation Army’s Berberian Shelter raised approximately $52,000, the most in the last five years. A record 144 golfers played the course at Spring Creek Golf and Country Club in Ripon.

Majors Kyle and Martha Trimmer are Modesto Citadel corps officers and Stanislaus County coordinators.

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