from the desk of…Now what?

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By James Knaggs, Commissioner

I write these words with an idea in mind of how God has led us through The Gathering and a question: What does he want from us now?

Can’t you just tell that he’s delighted to be with us? I believe God desires fellowship with us on a regular basis and on an increasing scope. As the Holy Spirit fire has been burning in your soul, do you not now want to share this flame of holy love to everyone? Me too.

So many are sensing a calling in their lives for service. This can be realized by officership, local officership, employment or other voluntary opportunities. The territory stands ready to facilitate the will of God in you and will support your holy intentions to honor him as he chooses.

Some of you now want to become soldiers in The Salvation Army. Good for you. We need an increasing force to have a greater impact to win the world for Jesus. When you begin to win your world, God begins to win the world. It’s his plan and he so wants to include you in the joy.

Did you notice the launch of SAVN.TV? This has developed into an amazing tool to reach the many who have yet to know saving grace for themselves. I’m believing that our reach will expand exponentially as a result. Perhaps you’d like to sign up and be trained to become a social media chaplain? I hope so. Not only will you learn some of the fine points of helping and leading people to Jesus, you will begin to know the thrill of being in the will and plan of God. He has given us this possibility. We need to take it on in full strength to his honor and glory.

Didn’t the musical excite you to how you can be a disciple of Jesus? It was wonderful, and even more terrific to know it was written, produced and performed by our own folks.

So many talented people participated throughout the meetings. God is blessing us more than we realize. These same gifts from God can support the many ministries we have all over the territory. Let us honor him with our full intention to use everything at our disposal to worship him.

Please take time right now to affirm your own commitment to be holy and serve God completely. You can do this from any occupation or avocation. Your life will fill with the joy of Jesus and you will experience God’s increasing presence in all that you do. Hallelujah!

Now what?

You and Jesus. The Salvation Army will better move forward to win the world for Jesus. Hallelujah!


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