The Salvation Army Prepares for Cold Weather with Winter Night Shelter Beds for the Homeless

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(Portland, OR) November 3, 2011 – As the cold weather approaches, The Salvation Army is already preparing for the increase in the number of men and women on the streets needing night shelter from the dropping temperatures.  Starting this month, additional nighttime services will be offered at The Salvation Army Harbor Light Center and The Salvation Army Female Emergency Shelter (SAFES), both located in downtown Portland.

 Harbor Light, located at 30 SW 2nd St., will be open from 8PM – 8AM starting November 15th, 2011 for homeless men to find shelter.  The Center is working with the City and will serve 70 men a night with 35 slots reserved for those deemed medially vulnerable.  The night shelter will close the morning of April 1st, 2012.  No day shelter services will be provided at this facility.

 SAFES will be adding 15 Winter Mats to their current 50-bed night shelter at 11 NW 5th Ave. in downtown Portland.  The winter night shelter will start November 1st, 2011 and close April 30th, 2012.  The shelter will be open from 8pm-7am; however, women seeking Winter Shelter can access SAFE Shelter Day services for hygiene, access to showers, case management and life-skill groups.

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