National reporting and non-retaliation policy adopted

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The Commissioners’ Conference has adopted a National Reporting and Non-Retaliation Policy that governs all Salvation Army activities in the United States. It applies to all officers, soldiers, employees, advisory board members and volunteers. The Salvation Army is committed to lawful and ethical behavior in all of its activities and this policy clarifies the reporting process.

The objectives of The Salvation Army’s Reporting and Non-Retaliation Policy are to establish policies and procedures to:
Prevent or detect and correct improper activities.
Encourage Reporting Individuals to report in good faith a material violation of law or policy or questionable financial, accounting or auditing matter in any way relating to Salvation Army operations.
Ensure the receipt, investigation, and resolution of reports received under this Policy.
Protect Reporting Individuals from retaliatory action.

The reporting procedure is to the officer-in-charge or to the divisional commander if appropriate. The report should be in writing and The Salvation Army is committed to acting on every reported incidence without out retaliation or other consequences. When the report is received, it is provided to the Secretary for Business Administration and the Secretary for Personnel for investigation with a final report provided to the Territorial Commander. The Territorial Commander in turn, may direct the Secretary for Personnel or Business Administration to conduct further investigation into the issue. All reporting will be kept confidential to the extent possible.

A full copy of the policy may be found at the web site

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