frontLines – News briefs of the west

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Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Romans 12:9-10 (The Message)

Women’s Ministries program has seen significant growth during the last quarter: in corps throughout the territory, 213 families have been linked to the corps through Women’s Ministries, and 54 members have enrolled as soldiers. These active and caring women truly are Winning Our World!

Lewiston cares
The Lewiston, Ida., corps held a “shower” for a man who had been homeless for seven months and was moving into an apartment. “Larry Plumb was so surprised and happy when we presented him with gifts after our Holiness meeting,” said Community Care secretary xxxxxx. “He returned to his new apartment a happy man, not only for the surprise gifts he received, but also for the love that was shown to him by his church family.” A/Captains Ralph and Peggy Guthrie are Lewiston corps officers.

Clinic with a heart
Sixteen guests recently received free dental screenings and cleanings when the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry brought its “Clinic With A Heart,” to the San Bernardino Corps parking lot. “The clinic is an RV equipped with two dental chairs, an X-ray station and a sanitizer,” said Perry Burtch, DDS, who supervised a team of four student dentists. “We enjoyed Loma Linda University’s presence,” said Roosevelt Carroll, director of the Salvation Army’s Hospitality House shelter. “We hope they will come back soon.”

Extreme Fresno
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition recently came to Fresno, Calif. —and The Salvation Army came to the rescue, serving dozens of dusty volunteers and tired police with coffee and hot chocolate during the early morning hours. On one visit to the site, Fresno Corps Officer Captain Breazeale, visited with a few of the shows stars and mingled with the Fresno-based designers and construction crew in the VIP lounge. The show will air in early March.

ICO delegate
Lt. Colonel Sharron Hudson, community care ministries secretary and women’s auxiliaries secretary will be attending the International College for Officers (ICO) Session 202: July 15 – September 7, 2009, in England.

Congratulations, grads!
The following officers have recently earned academic degrees:
Major Bob Rudd, community relations & development secretary: Bachelor of Arts in Management and Organizational Leadership from George Fox University.
Major Michael Zielinski, ARC secretary for business: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Leadership from Concordia University.
Captain Hendrik Sumter, Del Oro divisional finance officer: Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix.

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