Frontlines – News Briefs of the west

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by Sue Schumann WarnerTherefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV)

Collins is “unsung hero”
Leo Collins, Southern California Division, was selected by the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans’ Board of Directors as the recipient of an “Unsung Hero Award” for his work with homeless veterans. He accepted his award during their awards luncheon in Washington, D.C.

Pasadena Tab reports
The Pasadena Tabernacle Corps recently was presented the Community Partnership of the Year Award from the California Police Activities League (PAL) for its collaboration with the Pasadena Police Department. PAL has used the Tabernacle since 1996 as the center of its juvenile delinquency programs targeting at-risk youth ages 12-17. Approximately 50-100 young people use the center four days a week for educational, recreational and social activities. Among the staunchest supporters of the work of the Army is Bernard Melekien, Pasadena Chief of Police, and member of the Tab’s Advisory Board. Captains Edward and Shelley Hill received the award at the California PAL State Convention in Sacramento.

Bill Flinn took up leadership as bandmaster of The Pasadena Taber-nacle Band effective June 1. Bill has a long history of musical leadership, including over 20 years as the Songster Leader at the TAB. Bill follows in a tradition of exceptionally qualified bandmasters, including Barrie Gott, Bill Gordon, Lambert Bittinger and James Anderson.

Denver celebrates National SA Week
Councilwoman Elbra Wedgeworth, Denver City Council president, and a member of the Denver Red Shield Advisory Council, was a guest speaker at the Denver Red Shield’s “Titanic Party.” During her testimony she praised the Army for all the work that it does for the City of Denver. She also stated that the Denver Red Shield is where she grew up, and that the Red Shield programs played a pivitol role in her development as a “community advocate.”
Wedgeworth also arranged for a proclamation by the Mayor of Denver declaring the week of May 10th through the 15th as “Salvation Army Week in Denver.” Jennie Epperson, of the Molly Brown House Museum gave a 40-minute presentation titled “The Outrageous Molly Brown.”

Blessing of the fleet
Envoy Ann Ward in Cordova, Alaska, recently wrote to share of her participation in the blessing of the fishing fleet with other local pastors. This was the first time the pastors joined together in this manner. The fishermen, some from as far away as Anchorage and Seattle, welcomed this encouragement, with many requesting personal prayer for themselves as well.

San Bernardino is growing
Corps Officers Majors Russell and Jacqueline Fritz report new members were enrolled recently at the San Bernardino, Calif. Corps. They welcomed new senior soldiers Tylin Strom, April Reed, Carmen Torquato and Sandy Torquato; new junior soldiers Sara Torquato, Roosevelt Carroll III, Melvin Carroll, Marvin Carroll, LaBrianna Swoops, Desirae Taylor, Angel Zike, Jared Jones, Shalene Ursulo, Angel Lozado, Cassandra Ursulo, Destiny Haro, Aaron Webb, Sarah Brady, Steven Lozado, Malcolm Carroll, Vanessa Torquato, Roosevelt Carroll Jr. and Stacy Mefford. Also welcomed were new adherents Roosevelt Carroll, Cindy McFann, Richard Ely and Raymond Conant. Majors Oscar and Lucille Youngquist conducted the enrollment; Major Polly McCulley provided the music.

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