Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann WarnerIt’s hard to believe, but I’ve just celebrated my 11th anniversary on the staff of New Frontier. What a wonderful time it’s been! And while the technology has changed a bit–from Alpha Micros to Macs, and from paste-up to electronic imaging–the paper’s mission has remained the same: to share the compassionate–and life-changing–work of The Salvation Army with readers throughout the West. It’s a privilege to share in this incredible, caring ministry.

Now, read about some of those compassionate programs below…

Summer school fun

At-risk children will enjoy a summer program at the Santa Rosa Corps, CA, where they will receive encouragement and support, both academically and socially. Under the leadership of Tutoring and Mentoring Director Jennifer Freitas, the 25 students from Brook Hill Elementary School will enjoy field trips, reading and writing, computers, cooking, arts and crafts, and sports. A values class will be included each week.

Joe’s Poolroom

The Southern California Division celebrated the dedication of a new billiard room at the Hollywood Weingart Red Shield Youth Center. The billiard room, also known as Joe’s Poolroom, is in honor of Mr. Joseph J. Pinola, retired chair and former CEO of First Interstate BankCorp. Before he passed away last year, Mr. Pinola served on the divisional Metro Board for two decades and was instrumental in securing building funds through his work with the Hollywood capital campaign. The new, state of the art billiard room was funded by many friends of Mr. Pinola’s and through his wife Doris.

Pigs raise World Service funds

The Honolulu ARC kitchen crew has been busy with World Services fund raising events this year, reports Tonya Carlson. Recently, they held a Kalua Pig fund raiser, in which they sold 1 lb. containers of Kalua Pig for $5. This event netted over $2,300 for World Services. Chef Earl Motoda and his crew have raised a total of $6,200 in different events throughout the year. “A big mahalo to them for helping us reach our goal of $21,000,” says Tonya.

Russia/CIS changes name

According to an International News Release, as of June 1, 2001, the Russia/CIS command was re-designated the Eastern Europe Command. Chief of the Staff Commissioner John Larsson says, “While there is no perfect new name, Eastern Europe Command seems the best choice. It gives appropriate recognition to all five included countries: Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Romania.” The new name will also make it more obvious that the work in Russia is presently confined to the western, European part of the country.

Divisional Praise and Worship Institute

The So. Calif. Division recently held its first annual Divisional Praise and Worship Institute at Camp Mt. Crags. The weekend was hosted by divisional leaders Lt. Colonels Alfred and Sherryl Van Cleef and divisional youth leaders Majors George and Jeanne Baker, and featured special guests from Honolulu, HI, Majors Warren and Dixie Dabis with their son and daughter Erik and Erin Dabis. Sixty-five participated in the event, representing praise teams through-out the division.

Teens rock-n-roll

The Flagstaff Corps is hitting a high note with teens. A recent “rock-n-roll” fun night gave dozens of teens a chance to sing, dance and pray to the tune of Christian music. Young people packed the corps chapel listening to testimony from Corps Officer Capt. Frank Severs and teens who took the microphone. Bibles and Christian CDs were distributed to the youth.

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