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breaking bad habits | Caring Magazine
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4 tips to breaking bad habits

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Eliminating a bad habit is difficult, but do-able

We all have hindersome habits that we’d like to leave behind. We can probably even list off all of the ways kicking the habit once and for all would benefit us in the long run. But somehow, that still isn’t enough.

So, how can we commit to ending our bad habits, and stay committed? Here are four tools that can help you change your ways for good.


Be social

Don’t keep your goals to yourself. Tell your family and close friends what you want to change, and keep them up to date on your progress. When we’re only accountable to ourselves, our plans can fail before they even get off the ground. After all, it’s easy to let yourself off the hook when you’re the only one in on your mission. But if we keep others apprised of our goals, it helps give us the right pressure and motivation. It can also be incredibly encouraging to have people rooting for you when the temptation to quit feels overpowering.



When breaking a habit it can be difficult to power through when things get hard or monotonous. That’s why it’s important to remember why you set out to make this change. It can be as simple as wanting to have more energy when you wake up in the morning. Or maybe, you finally want to compete in triathlon. Whatever it is, think about why this goal is important to you, and remember that pushing through the difficult parts will pay off in the end.


Drop to add

Unfortunately, bad habits are the easiest ones to pick up. Though our first solution to breaking a bad habit might be to just quit “cold turkey,” there is a bigger chance of success if you replace your old habit with a new one so that area of need is still addressed.

For example, if you overeat when stressed, it may be difficult to stop overeating once you experience stress again. However, if you decide to go outside for a walk or take three minutes to meditate whenever you feel stressed, you are still addressing your need, but in a healthier way.



Don’t just celebrate once you’ve fully adopted a new habit in your life. Celebrate when you make it past the first week, first month, and especially the times when you’ve stopped yourself just before caving in.

Reminding yourself of how far you’ve come will motivate you to keep going.

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