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I COLLECT ENVELOPES! Need envelopes from all units (corps, divisions, etc.) of the Western Territory. Please send to: Raymond E. Callin; 1151 Serrano Drive; San Francisco CA 94132.

SAN DIEGO/CHULA VISTA–Resident couples for Silvercrest units, one 125 unit Senior Citizen Complex Downtown San Diego and one 65 unit complex in Chula Vista. Full time, full benefits. Office/Maint. duties; salary plus apt. Apply or send resume to The Salvation Army, 825 7th Ave. San Diego CA 92101.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.–Albuquerque Citadel Corps is looking for an individual who loves working with young people. Must have musical abilities and be able to help in other areas of corps programming. Full time position. Salary negotiable depending on qualifications. Please send rŽsumŽ to: Captain Julie Beauchamp; The Salvation Army; P.O. Box 27690, Albuquerque NM 87125-7690.

ATLANTA, GA,–Business Manager (Metro-Atlanta Command): Must have MBA, Fasb Accounting knowledge, computer literate, 5 years experience in non-profit management. Excellent communication and people skills, able to handle multi-functional task. Salary commensurate with experience. Fax rŽsumŽ to (404) 872-0139.

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