1. Sponsor an overseas child through The Salvation Army, or tell your corps officer you’d like to sponsor the youth councils fee for a young person in your corps.
2. Research the social services programs in your community, and donate to one that inspires you.

3. Organize a group to spend a Saturday sprucing and cleaning your corps, or hold a food drive and help restock the food pantry.
4. Send a card to someone who is ill in your congregation or community. Better yet, visit.
5. Offer to babysit for a young couple in your corps so they can have a night out.
6. Write a letter to a child who could use some extra attention. Kids love getting mail.
7. Wash your neighbor’s car.
8. Go through your bookshelves. Find a book you love, and send it to someone else to enjoy. Be sure to include the latest copy of New Frontier Chronicle, too.
9. Adopt a deployed soldier who is connected to your corps. Write and send treats.
10. Leave money on someone’s windshield with a note to enjoy lunch on you.