When Trash Becomes Treasure, part 4

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A Scripture study from Caring, part four of four.

Jesus still did good amid his trials. He had compassion and kindness and love—even to the point of death on the cross. Just as Jesus continued his mission to salvage the lost even on his difficult days, we too must respond in action on our difficult days. We are called to salvage the lost, to share the Gospel and shine Jesus’ light with whomever we come in contact with.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:19-20).

Beyond the surface

I think about how The Salvation Army came about. It was originally called the Christian Mission and was later changed to The Salvation Army. I can’t think of a more profound and fitting name for what God’s mission through William and Catherine Booth and all Salvationists is. Booth and others pulled drunkards out of gutters and got them sober, got prostitutes and orphans off the streets and gave them reputable work and provided them safety. People were literally saved from the wreckage of East London and beyond. The early Salvationists endured so much “garbage” as they worked toward fulfilling the calling God placed upon them and the mission of The Salvation Army. Trash, rotten food, bricks and even dead cats were thrown at them while they marched through the streets proclaiming the Gospel. 

Point to ponder: What if the founders and the early Salvationists had given up on their calling when they had garbage days?

The Salvation Army continues to respond to the wreckage of this world meeting needs during disasters, providing shelter for those experiencing homelessness, working to end human trafficking, providing food, clothing, and other necessities to those in need, rehabilitation for those with substance use issues, and so many other things—and we can’t forget, doing it all in the name of Jesus with the goal of leading the lost to eternal salvation through Christ. 

Between the lines

Who is God calling you to salvage?

I’ve shared with you where I am in my walk as of late. There’s some serious work that needs to be done on my heart—the Lord brought that to light during my garbage day.  I don’t know the condition of your heart, but God does—and he wants us all to have clean, pure and loving hearts, so that when trash days come, we can respond with compassion and kindness, rather than anger. 

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Phil. 4:13).

Each of us is called to his purpose, which means that he is going to do good work. It doesn’t mean we won’t have difficulties or bad days, but it does mean that good can come from the trials we face. And, we can face our trials with the strength Christ gives us. I hope you are able to see God’s blessing in the trials you face, that you too are able to find joy, and by his strength, you’re able to allow him to turn trash days into treasured ones.

A prayer for today

Heavenly Father, Thank you for reminding me that you are with me even on difficult days. Remind me to stop and pray when I find that I am having a hard day and help me to count it all joy. Give me your strength to face bad days with compassion, kindness and willingness to maintain the calling you’ve placed on my life to reach others with the Gospel. May others see the light of Christ in me even on my worst days. May your love overshadow the trials I endure. Help me be more like Christ daily.  Thank you for your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

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Do Good:

  • Consider this: Who is God calling you to salvage? And how is your heart?
  • Miss part three of this study? Read it here.
  • You’ve probably seen the red kettles and thrift stores, and while we’re rightfully well known for both…The Salvation Army is so much more than red kettles and thrift stores. So who are we? What do we do? Where? Right this way for Salvation Army 101.
  • Get support from moms who are right there with you. Join the Caring Moms Collective and find a place of low-pressure, high-encouragement love anytime you need it, whether you know it or not. Get in the group today. 
  • Did you know your purchase from The Salvation Army Family Store funds addiction recovery? See how The Salvation Army fights addiction.

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