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This world needs help

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LAURA WITH A young Kenyan friend, Toto, the granddaughter of the officers in charge of Variety Village. Toto does not like people very much, especially mazungus (white people). But when she saw Laura she ran to her, put her arms around Laura’s legs and did not leave her for the next 2 hours!

The West continues to gather Self Denial contributions from corps and units throughout the territory in order to maintain its continued commitment to the mission field.Among those giving more than money is Laura Robinson. Her story, as told by her father, Santa Rosa Corps Officer Captain Ian Robinson, follows:

For the past three months, Laura, 22, has been serving in East Africa as a lay missionary on short-term duty. Thanks to the wonders of email, we have been in almost daily contact with her. Things are going well for Laura.

Laura lives at one of the children’s homes in Nairobi and works out of the East Africa THQ. Her initial commitment was for one year; she is already thinking of extending it to two years, perhaps longer. Africa often has that effect on people.

As the weeks have gone by, Laura’s job description has evolved. She is now fundraising for several of the children’s homes in Nairobi, putting together a PowerPoint presentation and traveling around Kenya and Uganda in the East Africa Territory. She is also spending one day a week working on the International Headquarters AIDS project, and that is a direct answer to prayer!

Laura has found a friend, a 22-year-old Kenyan called Mebel (pronounced as in Mabel), who works for the AIDS project at THQ in Nairobi. They have much in common and this friendship has helped Laura settle in more easily.

One of the things I am known for is my willingness to try exotic food. Laura told me that she is now winning, since recently she had some zebra! “It tastes better than beefsteak,” she reported.

At the Variety Village Children’s Home, which is the target of her Kenya Kids fundraising campaign, Laura was touched to see all they are doing there. They have a leather shop, a wood shop and a metal shop, where they teach the boys skills they can use when they have to leave the home.

The officers and staff at East Africa Territorial Headquarters are very excited about what Laura is doing. She is helping them see their ministry through fresh eyes, and they are thankful that so many people connected with Laura have pledged to help. Our own little congregation gave over $1,500 in a special collection, over and above their regular World Services giving! We all thank you. The money will pay for badly needed repairs and help provide new equipment for the Variety Village home.

So far, we have raised approximately $4,000, which is slightly under one third of the goal. Please pray for Laura and her ministry in Kenya, for the officers, staff and soldiers of that territory, and for the fundraising effort. Laura’s email address is:


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