The General and Commissioner Cox Bring Challenge and Encouragement in Uganda

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Simon Mulongo MP with the General and Commissioner Silvia Cox
Simon Mulongo MP with the General and Commissioner Silvia Cox


From the moment they touched down at Entebbe Airport, just outside Kampala, General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox (World President of Women’s Ministries) made clear their reasons for being in Uganda – to ‘share with people the love of God’ and to ‘see what God has done in the Uganda Territory’.

These were the words of greeting that the General shared with the group that welcomed the international leaders and Private Secretary Captain Scott Linnett. The welcome party included territorial leaders Colonels Benjamin and Grace Mnyampi, territorial headquarters (THQ) staff, cadets and Salvationists.

The next day, Friday, after an open-air meeting in Kampala and a march of witness back to THQ almost 700 people attended a holiness meeting during which cadets sang, there was Maganda dance, and the presence of God was keenly felt. The Ugandan Government was represented by Member of Parliament the Hon Simon Mulongo, who is a Salvationist.

The General told the congregation that God called The Salvation Army to save souls and serve humanity – and that all God’s people need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. In her Bible message Commissioner Cox spoke about being God’s temple. She explained that during biblical times the Temple, and before that the tabernacle, were holy places but that because Jesus died for us we do not need such tabernacles – the Holy Spirit is in God’s people. Many people moved forward to the mercy seat to receive God’s blessings.

The next day the General led a youth rally at Buwambingwa Corps (church) while Commissioner Cox took charge of the women’s ministries rally at Bumbo Corps.

The General told his young congregation members that they were ‘not only the Army of tomorrow but I believe strongly that you are also the Army of today’. Those present at the youth rally worshipped with vigour and prayed with fervour. In the General’s Bible message he challenged his listeners to live close to and remain in Jesus Christ. He challenged the young people to make the choice to serve Jesus instead of the world.

More than 100 seekers made the right choice at the mercy seat at the conclusion of the message.

At the women’s ministries rally Commissioner Cox challenged the congregation to ‘walk worthy’ before God. Walking, she explained, is moving forward step by step. She called on her women listeners not to depend on others to help them spiritually but to stand on their feet and start walking.

Sunday morning began with more than 3,000 Salvationists marching to worship, with the international leaders taking the salute. Set against the beautiful countryside of Uganda, worshippers filled many marquees arranged around a large cross that offered a focal point upon which to reflect and at which to kneel. During the holiness meeting, the General described Jesus as being a door, saying that if people want a good relationship with God, they must go through that door. Countless chose to do exactly that, responding to the General’s invitation to kneel at the Cross of Christ.

Report by Lieut-Colonel Eugene Bamanabio

Chief Secretary

Uganda Territory


Photos to illustrate this INR are available via the IHQ Flickr site.

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