Stoke the fire…stir the embers!

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Commissioning weekend will include spiritual development workshops and 24/7 prayer.

By Linda Madsen, Major

The Commissioning 2011 theme—Spirit Aflame—fits perfectly with the vision of the Spiritual Life Development Department. As we prepare for the Spiritual Life Development workshops scheduled for Saturday morning, June 11, we acknowledge the need to stoke the fire—stir the embers—to ensure the end result will be the Spirit’s residing fully “aflame” in the lives of those who attend—be they officers, soldiers, adherents or friends of The Salvation Army. Underscoring the need for more “fire” power, two prayer rooms will be available throughout the weekend, both located on the main floor of the Sheraton Hotel.

Did you know that the only remaining part of the original “wailing wall” (prayer wall) still standing in Jerusalem is the Western Wall? Here in the USA West, we’ve adopted a “Stay on the Wall” theme for the Western Territory’s 24/7 Prayer for Social Justice. The first prayer room will focus on a “Day and Night Cry for Justice,” where you can spend time “on the wall” in prayer and intercession for those struggling under the cruelty of injustice. Information on how The Salvation Army is currently addressing these issues will be posted throughout the room.

C. H Spurgeon wrote, “Prayer itself is an art that only the Holy Spirit can teach us.” It’s more than strictly bended knee and folded hands. It’s connecting with God in ways that help you truly experience who he is and who we are in his presence.

The second prayer room will be a more interactive venue—more experiential. For instance, if you tend to connect with God more fully through the written word, Bibles and other inspirational writings will be available. For those who experience him more fully through creativity, paints, writing paper and other art supplies will be provided. Some may find a meaningful connection through of music—they will find on hand an offering of contemplative music.

As you prepare to attend the Commissioning events, do so with the intent of “stoking the fire” within your own heart as you respond to the call to be his people—Spirit aflame—to the glory of God!


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