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Simple tips for good stewardship

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How to observe creation conservation beyond the international holiday

We live on a beautiful planet. We have oceans and mountains, deserts and forests, valleys and plains to explore and observe in awe and wonder. We have been called to take care of the planet we inhabit, from the smallest plants to the largest animals.

The United States started observing Earth Day on March 21, 1970, to remember the importance of taking care of the earth and do what we can to conserve its resources. This Earth Day, we encourage you to look for ways to help the environment not just on April 22, but all year long. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Join a clean-up crew – For those of us who live by the coast, we know all too well how beaches can become littered with trash, especially during heavy tourist seasons. Several groups go to beaches and pick up trash so both the birds and aquatic life won’t get caught up in it. It’s a simple, monthly commitment toward clean oceans—the source of 70 percent of our oxygen. If you don’t live by a coast, find a park or trail clean-up crew that you can join.

2. Recycle – One of the easiest things we can do is recycle to keep more trash and non-biodegradable out of landfills or oceans. Plastic is one of the biggest offenders to the earth because it never fully breaks down. A simple way to cut down your plastic waste is to switch to reusable bags when you go grocery shopping. California was the first state to enact a statewide ban against plastic shopping bags, and a growing list of cities across the country are following suit.

3. Plant something – Today is a great day to start developing your green thumb. Start small by planting a houseplant in a pot and putting it on your windowsill. Houseplants can purify toxins in the air, humidify the room and boost your mood and immune system. If you don’t have the best track record with plants, maybe opt for a low-maintenance Succulent, an Aloe plant or Peace Lilies.

4. Get outside – Enjoy nature! We should enjoy our surroundings just as often as we work to take care of the environment. When we appreciate something we are more likely to take care of it. Be mindful of the places you go, and make sure to leave them in better condition than when you arrived.

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