Silvercrest Will Complete Hollywood Development

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By Beverly Ventriss –

Ground was recently broken for the new Hollywood Silvercrest Residence. Joining Johnny Grant, honorary mayor of Hollywood, for the ceremony were city, state and federal government representatives and longtime Army supporters actress Shirley Jones and Marty Engels.

“Exciting things are taking place in Hollywood,” said Grant, “and this is a project that is especially needed in our community.”

The $9 million facility is Phase III of the Army’s largest capital campaign project in Los Angeles County. Funding is provided by the Community Redevelopment Agency of the city, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and The Salvation Army.

“It took all of us here, together in partnership, to make the Silvercrest not just a dream, but a reality,” said Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Alfred R. Van Cleef. This will be the seventh senior residence built in the Southern California Division.

The site, called the Weingart Youth Complex, includes the Way In Youth Shelter and Drop In Center for homeless and runaway teens and the recently completed Youth Center, which offers neighborhood children a variety of educational and recreational activities.

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