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Sharper focus- Are you a blogger for Jesus?

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By Lawrence Shiroma, Major

When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19b).

Over 160 million public blogs—web logs or personal websites—exist today. If a revival is to sweep our land, it may very well be helped by evangelistic bloggers with the blood of Jesus Christ and the fire of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, minds and souls.

To this end, one of the evangelism class assignments for the cadets at the College for Officer Training was to create an evangelistic blog and post it on the worldwide web. The following are a few examples of their work. Joel Boyd’s blog (ibelieveweshallwin.blogspot.com) starts off by refuting atheist Bertrand Russell’s comment that if Christ ever existed we know nothing about him. Boyd does this by focusing on the reliable historicity of the 5,366 existing New Testament manuscripts and the fact that New Testament copies about Jesus were written as early as 40 years after the original was penned.

In his blog, Rob Lawler (roblawler.blogspot.com) asks: Is there a designer as universe creator? He then proceeds to argue that it actually takes less faith to believe in a Creator than to believe in randomness, or nothingness. Lawler concludes that nothing occurs simply by chance and that the universe, as a great design, must have had a designer.

Does God exist? Liane Newcomb (pomaikaiwale.blogspot.com) asks this question in her blog. Applying the imagery of a celestial stairwell, Newcomb concludes that based on the law of causality, our vast, endless universe was caused by something greater than itself and that this cause must be God who has no beginning and no end and is the uncaused cause. The existence of God is also the topic of Kim Warriner’s blog (kimmokazi.blogspot.com) where she reviews the four basic arguments used to support God’s transcendent existence.

Leilani Armendariz (leilaniarmendariz.blogspot.com) asks another question: What kind of world do we live in? She explains that God chose this world and while it may not be perfect, we do worship a perfect God who has the perfect plan for each of us. And finally, an interesting blog is from Bonita Kelsey (nothingnewunderthe.blogspot.com), where she explores a personal journey involving a mistaken middle name, a lost identity, and the miracle of reclamation through faith and belief in a very real Jesus Christ.

These are just a few of the fascinating evangelistic blogs created by the cadets of the Ambassadors of Holiness Session to give evidence of the One whom they serve. Scripture states that when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19b). May you be that strong standard for God—one way of demonstrating it is to be a blogger for Jesus.


Read Lawrence Shiroma’s blog at lawrenceshiroma.blogspot.com



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