Sharing the good news in the New Year

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World President of Women’s Ministries

by Commissioner Freda Larsson – 

As is so often the case these days we begin each New Year with the longing that our world will be a more peaceful and loving one than we have experienced over the previous year.

Once again we have been aware of war, famine, violence, abuse and distress of many kinds in several parts of the world and maybe it has even seemed to be that evil has been getting the upper hand. However, I hope all of you have also experienced those wonderful moments of illumination when God has come near to you in very special ways.

Sometimes this may have been as a result of a “random act of kindness” that someone has shown, either to you or to someone else. It may be as you have been out in nature or in a place of worship and God’s love has been revealed in a new way. He may have spoken to you through the Bible or something else you have read, giving you just the word of encouragement you needed for that specific time in your life.

I find that I am constantly encouraged and excited by what the Lord is doing as I travel or go about my normal office duties because I either meet, or hear about, so many people whose lives have been transformed by God, particularly through Women’s Ministries.

You will rejoice with me I am sure over the good news that during 2002 (the latest figures we have available) as a direct result of Women’s Ministries, there were:

• 31,701 first time seekers
• 7,065 new families linked to Salvation Army corps
• 4,473 new adherents welcomed
• 11,648 new soldiers enrolled

I would love to share lots of other good news with you about innovative programs, exciting ministry opportunities taken by women, dramatic answers to prayer and so much more but space does not allow for that here. However, as from this year Global Exchange (which used to be a private circulation magazine for territorial and divisional leaders) will be available to all women engaged in ministry through The Salvation Army. This magazine is devoted to sharing news, articles and resources that particularly relate to women and by expanding the circulation I hope that all this good news can be shared much more widely than previously.

May the coming year be an exciting one for you all as God’s loving presence is revealed to you in countless ways. When this happens remember to share that good news with others—it could make all the difference to their lives too. As you begin this year with hope for a better future remember that God longs to share every moment of it with you.

“Come near to God and he will come near to you.” (James 4:8 NIV)

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