Second international ‘children and youth weekend’ slated

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By Laura Booth –

International Headquarters announced a second international children and youth weekend as part of “The Whole World Mobilising” campaign for March 23–25.

Themed “Shine!,” based on Isaiah 60:1, the weekend aims to encourage young members of The Salvation Army to take the lead in reaching their communities with the love of God.

Last year’s inaugural “GoMoCY” children and youth weekend saw 52 of The Salvation Army’s 128 countries take part. From painting parties, sports events, neighborhood clean-ups and service at various community events, to leading and speaking at Sunday worship services, the youth of The Salvation Army around the world stood up and made noise for the Kingdom of God.

“We pray that God’s light will shine in every corner of our world as children and youth respond to God’s call to ‘arise and shine’ because the glory of the Lord has risen on them,” said Majors Keith and Shona Pike, International Youth Officers. “We want to see the youth of our Army transformed by the power of the gospel and in turn become a transforming influence in the communities in which they live.”

Implementation will vary depending on local needs and resources, but a suggested outline for the weekend is:

Friday, March 23—Outreach events

Saturday, March 24—Prayer events, “Messy Church” activities

Sunday, March 25—Main worship service led by and including youth and children, providing an opportunity for every Salvation Army corps to hear the dreams of their youth and children

Resources, created by the Canada and Bermuda Territory’s youth department, are available to download with categories for children, youth and families, and featuring devotionals, activities, prayer stations, ideas for service projects and sermon outlines, as well as graphics for social media.  

“One addition to this year’s resources is the inclusion of family devotionals and activities,” said the Pikes. “We believe this part of the weekend will help to reinforce to our youth that their faith is lived out in community and that it begins at home. This year we want to continue to mobilize our youth to shine their light and allow the world to see Christ living through each of them.’

Participants are encouraged to share the highlights of their “Shine!” activities on social media, using the hashtag #GoMoCY2018.

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