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Caring Magazine


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Crest for Promoted to Glory

‘Soldier of Christ – Well Done!’

Crest for Promoted to Glory

A/Captain Mnester McKay

A/Captain Mnester McKay
was recently promoted to Glory from the Ridgemont Terrace Nursing Home in Port Orchard, Wash.

Mnester was born in 1918 to officer parents, Lester and Elsie McKay, in Ashtabula, Ohio. As a youth, he was a world class distance runner. He felt the call to officership as a child, but did not answer until after his marriage to Alice Jones. They welcomed six children during a period that included his serving in Italy in World War II, graduating from Roberts Wesleyan College, and retiring from 20 years as a machinist. In 1966, Mac saw the opportunity to fulfill his call, and they became auxiliary captains in 1967.

Their second appointment, at Oakland Harbor Light, gave him the chance to use his machinist skills in helping draw up the plans for the new corps building. The period that most excited Mac was his years in Alaska. He and Alice served both the Hoonah and Saxman Corps, and he loved to tell of his adoption into the Tlingit tribe as a Raven.

At their last appointment, Watsonville, Calif., their English program for the local children received special recognition from the City of Watsonville.

Mac is survived by his wife, Alice; five sons: Captain Ron, David, Erwin, Dale and Rob. He leaves 17 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Their daughter Gloria predeceased him in 1990.

A “Celebration of Life” Service was held at the Nazarene Church, Port Orchard, Wash., with Rev. Steve Gates bringing the message and Major LaVergne Nickerson, Bremerton corps officer, participating. The family has asked that in lieu of flowers, contributions be sent to the Bremerton Corps for World Services. Messages of sympathy may be sent to: Mrs. A/Captain Alice McKay; 1710 Harrison Ave. S.E., C-2; Port Orchard WA 98366, or Captain Ron McKay; 3245 N. McCulloch Blvd.; Lake Havasu City AZ 86405.

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