New Frontier Publications to report from Boundless

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Five members of the West’s editorial staff will serve on a team of 36 at the international congress.  

Five members of the New Frontier Publications department will serve on an international media team of 36 professionals at Boundless – The Whole World Redeeming this July.

“It will be an opportunity to work collaboratively with many of the names we regularly see in publications from around the world,” said New Frontier Publications Managing Editor Christin Davis, who will serve as co-managing editor of the international media team with Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief and literary secretary in the Canada and Bermuda Territory. “As The Salvation Army gathers to celebrate its 150th anniversary in London, we’ll be there to capture and document the historic occasion and the exuberance of so many Salvationists together at once.”

Under the direction of the International Headquarters Communications Secretary Major John Murray, the Boundless media team includes editorial and communications personnel from New Zealand to Zimbabwe and the USA National Headquarters. Team members from the Western Territory include Davis, Erica Andrews, Shannon Forrey, Vivian Gatica, and Jared McKiernan.

“We’re using multiple social media and web platforms to engage Salvationists around the world,” Murray said. “We want people to feel connected, to follow the happenings in London, and to share photos, tweets and Facebook messages from their locations because we’re One Army united through Christ and sharing in a Boundless celebration.”

In addition to its regular web content via, Twitter (@Boundless2015), Instagram (@Boundless2015) and Facebook (Boundless2015), the team will produce a daily print publication, Boundless Today. The metro-style daily newspaper will feature eight-pages of behind-the-scenes content, profiling music groups, speakers and delegates, themes of the main sessions and the events happening outside of them.

Follow the Boundless news at and from July 1 to 5.

Comments 4

  1. Please could you tell me who the present editor of New Frontier is?
    Many thanks
    Howard Webber

  2. Please could you tell me who the present editor of New Frontier is?
    Many thanks
    Howard Webber

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