New web site dedicated to the office of the general

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Site to be launched on February 1, 2007.


A new web site will offer visitors information about General Shaw Clifton and his ministry, including news reports and photographs of his travels and activities. Articles from various sources will also be available.

The site will contain New Frontier Senior editor/editor-at-large Sue Schumann Warner’s interview with the General (New Frontier Vol. 24, No. 10).

The site will be located at and will broaden and support the pastoral role of the Army’s international leaders using methods appropriate to our times.

The General’s web site has been developed using tools provided by the International Headquarters IT Department in its content management system, freely offered to all Salvation Army units. It is maintained by the Communications Section of the International Program Resources Department as part of its mandate to manage the content of the international web sites ( and

For further information, contact

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