Missionary team helps reopen corps in Kristianstad, Sweden

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A group of 10 people joined together recently to travel with Global Action to Kristianstad, Sweden, where they helped reopen the work of The Salvation Army in the town.

The corps first opened more than 100 years ago but was closed about 10 years ago due to lack of program activity.

Major Steve Owen, Colorado Springs corps officer, led the Sweden Missions team. The team was comprised of Christians from a number of denominations. Owen hopes to lead a team to Kristianstad again next summer and hopes to recruit other Salvationists to be part of the team.

The team ministered to young people during a 10-day Kristianstad Days festival. The Salvation Army set up a youth outreach area named Frizon. The area included a 30 foot climbing wall, street basketball, clowns, face painting and a tent living room set up for conversations and witnessing with young people.

Stated Owen, “I believe the team made a great impact on hundreds of young people during the festival. The team had an awesome experience sharing Christ with young people in Sweden.”

Team members raised nearly $2000 to be part of the Global Action “Touch the World” team.

Global Action is an international outreach and helping ministry led by Lars Dunberg, based in Colorado Springs. Dunberg is a former Salvation Army officer from Sweden.

The Colorado Springs Corps has adopted the Kristianstad, Sweden Corps as its sister corps and plans on sending 4-5 young people from the corps to participate in the missions team next July.

Young people interested in the summer 2002 Sweden trip may contact Major Owen at the Colorado Springs Corps. (MjSteveO@aol.com)

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