MacMillan to lead International Social Justice Commission

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General Shaw Clifton announces a new global initiative.


In a major commitment involving The Salvation Army’s historic and ongoing effort on behalf of the marginalized, the poor and the downtrodden throughout the world, General Shaw Clifton has greatly strengthened the Army’s continuing involvement in social justice issues.

Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan, territorial commander for Canada and Bermuda, has been named director of the Army’s new global initiative, the International Social Justice Commission (ISJC), effective July 1, 2007. She has specific training in regard to social issues, and her career has included a number of significant appointments in this field.

Commissioners William and Marilyn Francis, Eastern officers currently serving at IHQ, have been appointed to succeed her as leaders of the Canada and Bermuda Territory.

Although administratively connected to IHQ, MacMillan’s office will be located in New York. An expanded office at the United Nations will provide the Army a voice in global deliberations on social justice matters. Additionally, the commission will liaise with other international agencies and organizations concerning such matters. It will evaluate the role of the Army in relation to other major world forums and advise the General on representation therein.

In his announcement, the General outlined other points of interest. The commission will be a permanent, standing body, and the director will lead a small team of full-time specialists, all committed Salvationists.

The ISJC will absorb and expand the responsibilities of the Moral and Social Issues desk at IHQ, re-introducing an International Moral and Social Issues Council. The commission will advise the General and other senior leaders at IHQ in matters of social justice. A panel of expert international consultants will be created.

The commission will liaise regularly with territorial and other Army groups engaged in social justice advocacy, seeking to ensure a coordinated approach and offering encouragement and guidance.

It will also liaise with territories and commands where as yet little is being done in relation to issues of social justice, seeking to find ways that the Army can undertake such a role in the local setting.

The director and staff will be the Army’s principal international advocate and adviser on social, economic and
political issues and events giving rise to the perpetuation of social injustice in the world. They will assist the Army in addressing social injustice in a systematic, measured, proactive and Christian manner, consistent with the purposes for which God raised up The Salvation Army.

The General has requested prayer support—“that ongoing divine guidance may be granted to all concerned, and for honor to be brought to the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ as this initiative gets started and unfolds.”

From an international news release by General Shaw Clifton

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