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Literary Conf. Slated for ’99

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National Headquarters

Good news for Salvation Army writers! Following the initiative of the landmark 1994 International Writers’ Conference, National Publications announces a literary conference open to all interested Salvationists and friends. “With National Headquarters as venue, delegates will enjoy not only the expertise of national and territorial editors and writers but the ambiance afforded this historic epicenter of the nation,” said War Cry Editor in Chief and Literary Secretary Lt. Colonel Marlene Chase.

Delegates will choose from stimulating workshops offered on a variety of subjects including: avenues for Salvationist manuscripts, researching Army history, writing evangelistic articles, and effective news reporting.

Special guests include Roger Palms, recently retired editor of Decision Magazine, and Colonel Henry Gariepy (R), author of the next volume of Salvation Army history. Instructors will include national publications staff and editors of our territorial publications. New Frontier Editor Dr. Robert Docter and Managing Editor Sue Schumann Warner have been invited to teach a workshop on news writing. The editorial board of Word & Deed, a Journal of Theology and Ministry, along with co-editors Drs. Roger Green and Jonathan Raymond, will participate.

The conference fee will be $140 per delegate, plus transportation and housing, available at one of four hotels within walking distance of National Headquarters. Shuttle service will be offered.

Pre-conference workshops offered for an additional $10 per person will include hands-on instruction and demonstration in graphic design and layout, using National Publications’ state-of-the-art equipment.

Put November 5-7, 1999 on your calendar. Early registration will ensure a spot for anyone involved in Salvation Army publishing or interested in writing.

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