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Kims, Changs minister in Rwanda

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COMMISSIONER PETER CHANG, center, spoke at a recent pastors’ convention in Rwanda.

The tent in the background was donated by the United Nations High Council for Refugees (UNHCR).

A people still suffering the effects of genocide and devastation heard the hope contained in God’s word as Captains Fred and Chris Kim, San Francisco Korean Corps officers, traveled to Rwanda to speak at a gathering for Christian pastors.

Commissioners Peter and Grace Chang, former Western territorial leaders, accompanied the Kims. Chang was one of the main speakers for the convention, which drew pastors from nearly all the Protestant denominations in the country.

Seventy-two members of the corps’ short term missions group were also part of the team.

During the three-day conference, Captain Fred Kim conducted a seminar for 250 Rwandan pastors and spoke on revival, reconciliation, peace and love. “I could see virtually all of them were very attentive, and the Holy Spirit was working and moving their hearts, which led them to much-needed reconciliation and unity.”

Captain Chris Kim was the only woman minister to lead a seminar. In addition to leading seminars for 300 pastors, she conducted a seminar for women Christian leaders.

“They were given the opportunity to learn and equip themselves with biblical truth so they may adjust to the harsh and cruel environment after genocide,” said Capt Fred Kim. “Since 80% of the population is female, we thought it meaningful to nurture them with biblical education, so they can change the war and poverty-ridden society in a peaceful way.”

At the Kigali stadium, Chang spoke on two evenings to pastors and ministers who desired growth in their own ministry. Speaking on “Spiritual maturity through unity,” he challenged the crowd toward Christian unity and unconditional forgiveness and reconciliation.

“During the final meeting of the conference, we counted more than 5,000 in attendance,” Chang said. “It was good to see that the people are willing to put the tragic history of their nation behind them, moving ahead toward the future in unity, love, and peace.”

Kim recalled the devastation that Korea had suffered. “I remember Korea was no different from Rwanda after the Korean War in 1953. We had genocide as brothers killed brothers.

“I encouraged them with the example of Korea–how God would use them as he blessed and used Korea when Koreans accepted Christ as Lord and repented. Korea was war-torn and poverty-ridden, like Rwanda. But now Korea sends the most missionaries in the world, next to the U.S.”

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