International moves announced

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MARCH 3 —General Shaw Clifton has announced a leadership change affecting the Western Territory, effective July 1, 2008.

Lt. Colonels Donald and Debora Bell, currently Western Territory chief secretary and secretary for women’s ministries, have been appointed to the New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory as chief secretary and secretary for women’s ministries. The Bells have served in their current positions for six years; prior to that they served in the Sierra del Mar Division as divisional commander and divisional director of women’s ministries.

The Bells served as corps officers at four locations in California: Oxnard, Santa Monica, Long Beach Temple and San Diego Citadel. They served as divisional youth leaders in the Southern California Division, and on the divisional staff in the Southwest Division. Outside the Western Territory, they served at National Headquarters in the Community Relations and Development department.

Lt. Colonel Don Bell entered training from Spokane, Wash. and was commissioned in 1978 with the Disciples of Jesus Session; Lt. Colonel Debi Bell came to training from Hobbs, N.M., and was commissioned in 1977 with the Companions of Christ Session. The two met at the training college.

Lt. Colonels William and Susan Harfoot, from the Central Territory, have been appointed to the Western Territory as chief secretary and territorial secretary for women’s ministries, respectively.

The Harfoots have served as Salvation Army officers for 31 years; they were commissioned in 1977 with the Companions of Christ Session. Up to now all their appointments have been in the Central Territory. Currently they serve at Central THQ as territorial secretary for personnel and assistant to the secretary for personnel.

Previously the Harfoots were corps officers at some of the Central Territory’s largest corps, including Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. and Royal Oak, Mich. They have also served as leaders at the training college and in the Western Division.

The couple has three grown children: Lisa, Matthew and Kenneth. Lt. Colonel William Harfoot has a BS degree from Wayne College and a MA from Olivet University, and Lt. Colonel Susan Harfoot has an AA degree.

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