General tours red zone, meets with Giuliani

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GENERAL JOHN GOWANS and Commissioner Joe Noland present the Others Award to New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
Photo by Ralph Bukiewicz

General John Gowans and Commissioner Gisele Gowans, The Salvation Army’s international leaders, recently got a first hand look at Army disaster relief sites at ground zero and at other locations throughout New York City.

Gowans also presented the Others Award to New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, in recognition of his exemplary leadership and support of The Salvation Army in the wake of the tragedy.

The Gowans were visibly moved by what they saw at the site of the World Trade Center. “It is hard to describe the feelings I had when we came to ground zero,” said Commissioner Gisele Gowans. “It helped us see what is being accomplished in the midst of this terrible disaster. I was moved when I saw a firefighter come to my husband with tears in his eyes, thanking The Salvation Army for what they are doing.” Traveling on John Deere Gators over muddy ground within the red zone, the Gowans were shown the enormity of the terrorist attack–along with the scope of The Salvation Army’s caring ministry to those working at the site.

At the area near “the pit”–where fire and police personnel continue to uncover remains of victims and scores of earth- moving machines are clearing out the rubble–the Gowans stopped at station #2, called the “California tent,” a Sal-vation Army hydration and rest station so named due to the number of volunteers from California assigned there. There, they and Commissioners Joe and Doris Noland spoke with Salvation Army workers and fire fighters.

The station is 30 feet from the pit, and is adjacent to a platform built for relatives to view the site where their loved ones perished in the September 11 attack.

Vol 19 No 20

Vol 19 No 20

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