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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Sue Schumann Warner –
Managing Editor

Capt. Ted Horwood stopped by New Frontier last week and spent time sharing about the work he and Capt. Debbie Horwood are doing in Malawi. While faced with significant challenges (he reports 30 percent of the population in Blantyre, where they live and minister, is HIV positive, and cultural/tribal traditions are often difficult for African Christians to break from) they greatly enjoy their work.”We appreciate being made available by the West to make a contribution here,” he said. “I wish the soldiers knew how important their giving to World Services is.” Thanks, Ted, to you and Debbie and to all the officers and volunteers on overseas assignment. We appreciate your ministry and will keep you in our prayers!

Former NBA players Danny Ainge and Mark West celebrated Subway Kids & Sports donations of uniforms to Phoenix South Mountain Youth Center’s new club basketball program in a special ceremony recently. The first club basketball program in south Phoenix, it has been officially sanctioned by the prestigious Basketball Congress International and will offer participating youth ages six to 18 a chance to play in front of college scouts prospecting for talent. “The program combines good community citizenship skills with an opportunity to showcase athletic ability,” said Divisional Com-mander Lt. Colonel Olin Hogan.

The Beaverton, Ore., corps held its first baby dedication as Corps Officers Captains Keith and Linda Bottjen dedicated little Harmony Rose, born to Erick and Doris Alvarez. “This young couple has been a tremendous blessing to the ever-growing body of believers who now worship at the Beaverton Salvation Army,” reports Bottjen.

The Salvation Army’s Simi Valley, Calif., service unit committee recently honored Donald and Maxine Smith with the Others Award for their outstanding contributions for and on behalf of the Army. Both have helped the Army’s disaster services since 1982 in places including El Salvador, Hawaii, Missouri and Mexico as well as the Northridge earthquake, Loma Prieta earthquake and Alaska Airlines Flight #261 disaster. The Army is privileged to have such devoted support from people who offer so much of their time and talent helping others!

The Carson City, Nev., thrift store has been reopened after an absence of nearly four years in the aftermath of a store fire. According to Del Oro Divisional Commander Lt. Col. Charles Strickland, the 8,000-sq. foot new building offers shoppers a great selection of nicely displayed merchandise. “It’s consumer friendly!” he noted.

The North Las Vegas, Nev., Corps recently established a council to help provide direction and goals. Bob Sherer was installed as chair, with Keith Howard as vice chair. Also inducted were Leo Borns, Billy Archibald, Theo Byrns, and Jim Hensley, with Major Leslie Brooks as SA representative. The council will help with the planning and construction of the scheduled 60-unit Silvercrest.

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