Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

Mariam and I have just returned from an extended trip out of the country–two weeks in Australia preceded by two weeks in the Philippines. While in the Philippines, we facilitated six teaching sessions on the topics of Victorious Living and Spiritual Gifts in three of the four divisions: Northern Luzon, Visayas Islands and Mindanao Island. Simply stated, we had an exciting time. The work of the Army is growing in this territory and the officers are committed to an aggressive growth program, the result of a comprehensive visioning process.

If I could convey two important thoughts concerning all that we saw and experienced it would be these: First, the officers and soldiers in the Philippine Territory accomplish a great deal with very little resource. They are motivated by God’s love poured out on them and committed to expending themselves to share the salvation plan with their fellow countrymen. Second, World Service offerings are an incredible “Kingdom” investment simply because of the buying power of the American dollar.

These two insights have caused me to be a stronger supporter of the World Services program. Perhaps as we come close to the end of the year we could be asking God to ignite a new response with regard to supporting the overseas work of the Army. There are so many people to win for Christ and so little time. God bless you as you respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

And now some news about your friends and colleagues around the Western Territory.


Captain Noreen French, Napa, Calif., corps officer, says her puppet “Larry Lion” has been an excellent way to reach both young and old. Puppets are especially effective in bringing a shy child out of her shell or reaching a senior who has become reluctant to communicate due to physical illness or depression.


Hot, dry fall weather has produced a plague of fires in the Eureka-Redding-Yuba/Sutter area. According to Doris Morgan, service extension director, the Army was right there with meals to evacuees, clothing, and service from the workers and faithful volunteers.


A boatload of enthusiastic fishermen recently turned over their catch to the San Francisco ARC (Majors Bob and Marilyn Gregory, administrators) to feed homeless people and recovering alcoholics. United Anglers and the party boat, “The Queen of Hearts,” co-sponsored this event for the seventh year. The 50-foot boat left Half Moon Bay with 32 fisherman, who paid $50 each (tax deductible) for the privilege of bringing in over 700 lbs. of fish.


Commissioners Kenneth and Barbara Hood (R) recently joined Majors Barry and Eunice Lucas, ARC administrators, and Majors Harry and Marine Lacey, Phoenix Citadel corps officers, for a memorable evangelistic campaign.

At a meeting of center employees, they gave words of appreciation for the dedicated work being done for the 92 men and 12 women beneficiaries. One statistical chart showed that more than 33 percent were completing the six-month program successfully.

Seekers lined the altar after Commis-sioner Ken Hood’s talk, “What do you believe?” Other highlights were a song of testimony by the ARC choir, a special women’s meeting at the Lyncrest Res-idence with Commissioner Barbara Hood, and the Women’s Ministries Fellowship at Phoenix Citadel.

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