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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

Major Carol Seiler, Northwest divisional social services secretary, reports that The Salvation Army’s Homeless Family Assistance Program was recently given the Mayor’s Award and presented as the representative for Best Practices for the City of Seattle in a National Mayor’s Conference.


Del Oro Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland recently accepted a check from Mr. Steve Friebert, Executive Vice President, Mortgage Division of the corporate offices of The Money Store. The check for $12,558.00 was given in response to Hurricane Mitch and the Army’s efforts in the devastated regions. Employees contributed to this, with a matching amount from the corporate office in Sacramento.


Senator Raymond Haynes from the 36th Senatorial District of the California Legislature has presented The Salvation Army with a beautifully framed Senate Resolution #37, to commend the organization’s long-standing work.

The resolution refers to the Army’s “constant service to those in need in California, for its unshakable commitment to its mission, for its constant vigilance on behalf of the homeless and the hungry, and for its offer of hope to the hopeless.” The presentation was made to Lt. Colonels Richard and Bettie Love at a San Francisco Advisory Board meeting.


Baritones Lyle Richardson, Donald Jessup and Gary Dugan, pianist Carla Ward and the Village Chapel Choir will record a concert of special music to raise funds for The Salvation Army’s work with HIV babies in St. Petersburg, Russia. More than 300 people have been invited to the April 11 event to take place in San Jose, Calif.

Richardson’s visit to a Russian hospital last year moved him to discover more about the Army’s work in that country. In addition to his personal donation, he hopes that sales of the compact disc entitled “This Little Light of Mine” will generate additional funds and information about the appalling conditions of hospitals like the one he visited. In addition to other services such a soup lines in Moscow and farming development projects in the Ukraine, the Army hires men and women in St. Petersburg to give personal attention to HIV babies.


Recently, the first annual Social Service Employee Recognition Dinner was held at the Pasadena Tabernacle Corps. Lt. Colonel Alfred R. Van Cleef presented employees with awards recognizing years of service with The Salvation Army. A standing ovation greeted Bettie Blake as she received a special plaque for 32 years of service. Mrs. Anne Calvo, executive director of Bethesda House, received an award presented on behalf of Rita Walters, Council Member of the 9th District of Los Angeles. Commending her for her meritorious work, it was signed by the Council Members of the 15 districts in Los Angeles.


The Salvation Army’s HOPE (Homeless Outreach to Place and Empower) Team was recognized for their successful efforts by the City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation and Library Depart-ment at a recent banquet. Accepting the award were Major Luis Martinez, divisional director of Hispanic Ministries, Project HOPE coordinator Susan Berg and Americorps VISTA volunteer Melanie Fiorella.

Project HOPE links homeless families and individuals with community resources by providing referral and transportation. The HOPE van travels about 65 miles a day, serving as a link between the homeless and service providers.

Recently HOPE also received publicity via a video produced by Phoenix’s Channel 11. First airing during February, it will show at intervals throughout the year. Copies of the video are available by calling the Divisional Public Relations Department at (602) 267-4207.

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