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Frontlines — News Briefs of the West

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by Captain Robert L. Rudd – 

Greetings and happy New Year! It hardly seems possible, but we have begun the countdown to the new millennium. To the degree that we remain dependent on the Lord and trust his guidance and direction, 1999 should be a banner year. Great things are happening throughout the West and we are excited about the possibilities of the future. When something notable happens in your community, or one of your corps leaders or volunteers excels, please drop me a line so we can give them the recognition they deserve. Here is some “good news” about some in our territory who have already begun to have a great new year…


It was cold for Southern California (35 degrees!) as hundreds lined the streets for the San Pedro Holiday Parade. With the music of “Onward, Christian Soldiers” playing in the background, the San Pedro Corps, under the leadership of Lts. Jorge and Diedry Garnica, was especially recognized for its 108 years of service to the Harbor area.


Just in time for Christmas, the Roseville, Ore., League of Mercy and Home League members recently undertook an ambitious project. Wanting to make a difference at the rest home they visit each month, about 10 members began in August to make 140 lap quilts.

On the day of distribution every gift was wrapped with a handmade tag that personalized each gift. As the quilts were handed out, the spirit of Christmas was evident. LOM Secretary Barbara Little said, “It was a service project that brought the corps together for a combined effort. I am amazed at what we accomplished together; the joy it brought to the folks in the home was inspirational. We are looking forward to our 1999 project, although we will start a little earlier this time!”


The Salvation Army brought happiness to 242 families in Red Bluff, Calif., just before Christmas. A/Captains Cruz and Linda Rodriguez say that 100 of the families had been “adopted” by the Bethel Assembly Church, and the remaining 142 were supplied by the Army. Food 4 Less donated 50 5 lb. hams and Raley’s gave $1,000 worth of meat to be added to the other staples. Families with children between 2 and 12 received toys as well.


Captains David and Diane Ebel, corps officers at Turlock, Calif., are grateful to local TV station KOCA for helping meet their goal of 2,000 food baskets this holiday season. Inspired by the station’s “Kids Can” drive, students at 12 schools were inspired to collect a whopping 15,342 cans of food for the baskets. A magnificent effort! Congratulations!

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